He wanna what??

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Zaryelle POV Pedro wasn't here this morning,I kind of expected that. Savanna was still here, I went down stairs.  Where Pedro and Royalty were on the couch knocked out. I couldn't tell which one was snoring. I chuckled and walked past them and closed the window. I decided to cook breakfast,I was bored Royalty wasn't up crying and keeping me busy. I pulled out eggs,bacon,grits,sausage I got out some apple sauce and heated it up and put a lil more cinnamon and sugar in it. I got out baby food for Royalty, then I made some biscuits. By time I was done the smell was in the air. I went and picked up Royalty i put her in her rocker keeping her asleep.  I sat on Pedro to see what would happen. He grabbed me and flipped me over. " Chilllll." I say laughing. "You play to much." He said pulling me back onto him and kissing me. "Well,I made breakfast and you need to get up and eat before it get cold." I say,pulling away from him. I got up to go get Savanna up. I jumped on the bed and she woke up. She tripped me and I fell. We bust out laughing and she got up. We all sat at the table and ate by time I was done Royalty was waking up.  "Hi mommy's princess." I say lifting her. I grabbed her food and fed her. Right after I burped her an she spit up to me that was honestly disgusting but baby throw up actually smells good. Ion know why I thunk that but it does. (I really do think that) I gave her to Pedro and he gave her a bath. I was gonna go out with Royalty today and get somethings. I don't know what it is yet but it's something.

Savanna POV
When Zry went to take a shower Pedro came to me and asked to talk. "Sure." I say. "Look,I wanna marry her frfr. But I don't want her to thunk that imma do her wrong cause I promise I won't not with a daughter around but I don't think I'm husband material or that I'm even ready." He says. "Well ummm it hasn't even been a year yet, my be you should try to better yourself nd get away from the females let them know your in a serious relationship.  Because if they see you out and about with other girls when you tell them I'm in a relationship and I have a child with her they won't care. Let them see you with her and Royalty.  Let them know you belong to her and she belongs to you. Show her off a little bit. Just wait a while longer pretty sure after you show Zary that you have committed to y'all Relationship she'll say yes." I say. He looked at me and said,"What are you trying to say I'm getting it but I'm not getting it." I smirked at little before saying, "Turn in the players card show her it's just her all females in ya phone deleted except for your mom nd sisters an stuff like that." He nodded and I went up stairs.

Zaryelle POV
When Savanna came into the room she had a huge smile on her face. "What happened?" I asked. "Well Pedro wants to marry you." She says,I smiled hard aab. " He wanna do whaaaaaatttt?" I say with a gigantic smile. "He wants to marry you." She says.


Okay so y'all I'm back and this is what I got fah y'all.

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