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Lynx practically crashes down onto the bed the moment she and Irene enter their shared room. Irene looks at her in amusement before taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"That was exhausting," Lynx says with a yawn.

"You didn't even do much," Irene jokingly says.

"Yeah I can't deny that," she sheepishly says. "But talking and mingling with others is more draining for me. You know how bad my socializing skills are."

Irene laughs. "Yeah but you've definitely improved a lot. Some of the descendants looked intimidated with you at first but they became comfortable with you once you started to introduce yourself."

"I'd rather fight more enemies than do something like this but we'll need all the help we can get if we want to succeed in our upcoming battles so, as much as I dislike diplomatic type of meetings," She does a double quote with her fingers, "I'll have to do them as well. I can't let you do all the work, you know"

"I really appreciate it," Irene smiles. "We've talked to more than half of the Cassiopeia and Andromeda descendants living here so there's not much left, although we'll need a lot more allies than just the ones staying in this mansion."

"It's still a step forward. This progress wouldn't have been possible without you. There are a lot more Andromeda and Cassiopeia descendants within the vicinity, I'll assist you in talking to them as well." Lynx offers.

Irene nods at her but she lets out a long sigh after a few moments. "Sorry that you're stuck working with me in the meantime, I know you'd rather train than do this and I know that this isn't really your forte but you're still making an effort."

Lynx rolls her eyes and tosses a pillow in Irene's direction. "Oh shut it, I can't just let you handle a big responsibility by yourself. Besides, everyone else has their own tasks to do anyway. We'll all find some time to train once they're all back."

"I hope they're all safe." Irene says as she hugs the pillow that was tossed to her.

"Of course they are." Lynx says with a scoff. "If they were in danger, we would have been able to sense it through our blood binds with Mingyu and Chanyeol. And even if they were, they can definitely handle themselves so you don't have to worry."

"I can't help it, I'll always worry about Mingyu since he's my descendant. The same goes for Kyungsoo, he got hurt in your last encounter with Zitao but he didn't get proper treatment because of his stubbornness."

"Kyungsoo didn't get proper treatment during that time?" Lynx asks.

"I think he got first aid but he wasn't totally okay. He had burns from Chanyeol's blue flames. I saw a scar on him the other day. I think he's treating it on his own with an ointment or something. He hides it under his sleeve." Irene replies.

"I didn't even notice that." Lynx says. "Have you reprimanded Kyungsoo about it?"

There's a sudden change in Irene's expression. "I... I haven't. He was clearly hiding it from everyone so I didn't know how I could approach him about it. You know how stubborn he is." She looks away.

Lynx knows exactly why she couldn't approach him about it. They may act like things are alright but there's definitely some lingering awkwardness between the two. Despite that, Lynx can tell that Irene is keeping her eyes on Kyungsoo at least since she's the only one to notice his injury.

"I can heal him if it's needed but since you've noticed it, why don't you talk to him about it first?" When Irene doesn't respond, Lynx scoots closer to her. "Are things alright between the two of you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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