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Jimin    pouted on the couch and occasionally would stuff a spoon of rice into his mouth. A couple grains of rice stuck on his bottom lip as he sulked. Jungkook stood judging the dejected boy. Shaking his head when the male would let out a sigh and stuff another spoonful of rice into his mouth. "Stop watching him it's weird." Taehyung    shoved a small bowl of sweet rice into Jungkook's hands. Claiming the semi sweetened rice was a cure all. "If my special rice recipe doesn't cure you Jimin    I don't know what will!" Sighing once more Jimin    turned to Taehyung    who plopped onto the couch right beside him. "You know what won't cure me. The asshat watching me like a creep." Taehyung    giggled and took a bite of his rice. Pressing a hand against his chest Jungkook feigned being hurt. "How could you call me a creep? The you're the creepiest looking thing I'e every seen." 

"I should beat you." "I'd like to see you try." "If you two don't stop arguing I'm going to grab both your ears and twist them till you beg me not to." After the threat both males stayed quiet. Jungkook joining the two on the couch by squeezing his way between them. Earning a large from Jimin    but he said nothing. It was silent between the three while the show continued on the tv. Through out it a hand slowly started sliding up Taehyungs thigh. Occasionally stopping and rubbing circles into the flesh. Taehyungs breath caught in is throat as he looked down at his lap where the hand sat. His body beginning to respond to Jungkook's touch. He looked over at Jimin    who was too into the show to pay attention to anything else. Even leaning forward a bit as the main actress slapped the male lead in the face. "Jeon." It came out quiet like a warning but Jungkook took it as a challenge. How far could he push this with Jimin    being right there. 

"Thats crazy he reacted her just to be with her best friend after leading her on. Funny huh?" He turned to look at Taehyung    and Jungkook only to find both of them looking at one another. Jimin's eyes then fell down to the hand on Taehyungs lap. "Hey! Don't get frisky I'm sad ad wanna fuck Tae before you right now." Jungkook scoffed. "Too bad if you wanted to you shouldn't have done it sooner." "No dibs." "Fuck your dibs. Yours expired he moment I walked in." "No they didn't I wanna fuck Tae. Dibs." Taehyung    set his rice down and glared at the two males. "Now no one is going to fuck me. Jimin    you can stay and be sad but no sex. Jungkook leave." "Why?" "If you stay we'll end up having sex now go." 

Jimin      frowned. "You don't think we'll end up having sex if I stay Tae?" "No." Jungkook smirked and stood up. Bidding Taehyung    goodbye and flipping Jimin    off. The day ended with Taehyung     being wrong. If he wanted to avoid sex he should have sent them both home. Jimin    was quite petty about it and 'butt dialed' Jungkook during it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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