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Jungkook groaned and lifted the addicting cancerous stick to his mouth. Parting his lips only to allow the cigarette to enter slightly. The tip burned an angry red as he breathed in the toxins and then turned back to a ash gray as he pulled it away. The smoke he blew out from his mouth disappearing in the crisp morning air. He leaned against the old abandoned train cart he and Taehyung had found a while back.

The two boys had cleaned it out and but a small bed in it alone with a old torn up love seat and a crappy side table. It was perfect for the two of them. Maybe not to others but to them it was an escape. The door to the train cart opened loudly causing a few of the birds in the surrounding trees to fly away. Out came a blonde haired female who had been unlucky enough to be Jungkooks quick late night fuck.

She had her make up smudged and her hair stuck up in different directions everywhere. Jungkook sighed and dropped his half gone cigarette onto the floor. Making sure to step on it and twist his foot before moving away from it.

"Sleep well?"

He didn't really care in all honestly how she slept. It was just common manners. She hummed and placed a hand in her coat pocket most likely looking for her phone.

"Fine. You?"


she nodded before sighed and turning to properly look at him. She tilted her head to the side with a confused look on her face. Her gaze was on something behind him. Jungkook turned slightly to see Taehyung leaning against the train car. Newly dyed pink hair swaying with the gentle breeze. A black leather jacket resting on his shoulders. Not actually wearing the jacket but just letting it rest there. A white silk shirt underneath and black ripped skinny jeans. Truly a gorgeous sight.


"Jungkook. Blondie."

The girl frowned at the nickname Taehyung had called her. She turned back to  Jungkook and spoke.

"Last night was fun. Call me anytime."

With that she left. Both boys stood in silence for a while longer before Taehyung broke it.

"I asked you to stop taking girls here. It's our get away spot. Not your special fuck spot."

"I don't see you complaining about it being a fuck spot."

Taehyung rolled his eyes making Jungkook smirk.

"Once again it's our get away spot. What we do together in it doesn't matter cause it's us."

"Are you saying were something special."

Taehyung frowned and shook his head. He didn't have time to play these games. All he asked was for their spot to be theirs and not have others there unless it was their close friends.

"No I'm not. I'm saying keep your one night stands and shit out."

Jungkook frowned and clenched his jaw. His tongue ran across his inner cheek in irritation. Before he could retaliate once more Taehyung put a hand up indicating for him to drop the subject.

"I only came here cause you weren't at your place. Jin wants us to gather at the usual hangout for tonight and unlucky me I was sent to fetch you."

Jungkook scoffed.

"Unlucky you?"

"Yeah unlucky me. Now let's go."

Jungkook smirked and glanced at the train car.

"I changed the beds sheets."


Jungkook grabbed Taehyung wrist and lead him into the train cart. He shut the door behind him before pushing Taehyung up against the cold metal wall. He pressed his lips against Taehyungs. It seemed that the boy was debating whether or not to kiss back or not. If he did that definitely meant giving in and having some great sex. If he didn't it meant showing Jungkook he's pissed at him. Giving up and deciding pleasure he kisses back. The only thing the kiss held was lust.

Feelings on their relationship?

Chapter for a chapter hehehe :)

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