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The door opened creating a loud creaking noise making both males wince. The flip of the light switch forced the lights to come on bathing the room in a dim yellow light. The small apartment smelt like cigarettes and coconut. A weird combination. "Fuck you need to clean." Jungkook pointed out as he looked at the messy coffee table. Energy drinks and empty bottles of alcohol littered the old wooden table. "Hop off my dick Jeon. Now get out what we came here to do. Make it quick too I'm expecting company."

Jungkook raised a brow at the word company but said nothing. Just opening the box of cigarettes and taking out the joint. He placed it in his mouth and flicked the lighter to life. Placing the flame to the other end of the rolled up weed. He placed the lighter back into his back pocket before sitting down on the couch and patting his lap. Taehyung sliding on and waiting patiently for Jungkook to take the stick out of his mouth. As soon as his thumb and pointer finger pinched the off white stick he dived in. Pressing his lips against Jungkooks. Allowing the smoke to escape into his mouth. Jungkook hand resting itself on Taehyungs thigh.

They pulled away both blowing out the remaining smoke. "You're kinda like a slut." "Mm- why do you think that?" Jungkook patted Taehyungs thigh. "You've fucked with the whole group haven't you. Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi..." Taehyung smirked and patted Jungkooks cheek. Climbing off his lap and taking the joint from his hand. Inhaling and exhaling. "It matters why? You've fucked Jimin a couple times. I don't bring it up. So fuck off." "Got me there." Jungkook chuckled and closed his eyes. Resting his head against the back of the old couch. He couldn't count on his fingers the amount of times Taehyung and him had fucked on it.

A knock on the door interrupt the silence. Taehyung groaning nd standing up crushing the joint in the ashtray on his coffee table. A small hiss coming from it in protest. "Fuck I only got one hit." "Time to go Kook." Taehyung opened the door. Hoseok walking in and immediately attaching himself to Taehyungs side. An arm wrapped around the males small waist. "I guess." Jungkook stood up and made his way to the door through the dimly lit room. "See ya Hoseok." "Bye Jungkook." The door closed cutting Jungkook off from the two inside. His hand reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Sending a quick text to one of his friends.

His phone rang shortly after. "Yeah?- No Taehyungs not coming with me.... busy getting fucked. Mhm whatever see you there." Jungkook smirked and ran a hand through his hair. He could always count on his friend and the parties he threw that lasted all night. An easy place to get high, drunk, and fuck. Perfect for someone like him.

This book is a hidden gem
Buy me food if I'm wrong

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