Chapter 6

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              Piper's pov (AN I promise there will be Jason too)

             I wanted to curl up next to Jason and go to sleep. I just wanted to shut my eyes, hope all this was a bad dream, and wake up to find myself back up at the entrance with my friends still finding stuff to fix the huge whole in New rome's walls with her friends.( Well. . . as safe as a demigod can ever be).

            But, no they were really in Tartarus. At their feet, the River Cocytus roared past, a flood of liquid wretchedness. The sulfurous air stung my lungs and prickled my skin. When I looked at my arms, I  saw they were already covered with a angry rash. I tried to sit up but gasped in pain.

            The beach wasn't sand. They were sitting on a field of jagged black-glass chips, of which were now embedded in my palms.

            So the air was acid. The water was misery. The ground was broken glass. Everything it was designed to hurt and kill. I took a rattling breath and wondered if the voices in the river were right. maybe fighting for survival was pointless. They would be dead within a hour.

              Next to me, Jason coughed "This place smelled like the pups poop."

            I managed a weak smile. I loved Jason for trying to lift my spirits.

      If I fallen into Tartarus alone I would have been doomed. I would've curled up and cried until I became another ghost, melting into the river.

But I wasn't alone. I had Jason. And that meant I couldn't give up.

 Two out of three I am on a roll and Look I give you a happy ending till the next chapter.

Fall Through Tartarus (Jiper) (Complete)✔️Where stories live. Discover now