Chapter 12

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Thought I was lying huh..Nope I am giving you like 4 updates every day.

Piper's pov

Jason winced as cinders sprayed from the river, curling around his face. "But it's fire.How can we---"

"Like this." I thrust my  hands into the river.

Stupid? Yes, but I was convinced they had no choice. If they waited any longer, they would pass out and die. Better to try something foolish and hope it worked.

On first contact, the fire wasn't painful. It felt cold, which probably meant it was so hot it was overloading my nerves. Before I could change my mind, I cupped the fiery liquid in my palms and raised it to my mouth.

I expected a taste like gasoline. It was so worse. Once, at a restaurant back in california, I made the mistake of tasting a ghost chilli pepper that came with a plate of indian food. After barely nibbling it I thought I respiratory system was going to implode. Drinking from the Phlegethon was like gulping down a ghost chilli smoothie. My sinuses filled with liquid flame. My mouth felt like it had been deep fried. My eyes shed boiling tears, and every pore on my face popped. I collapsed,gagging and retching, my whole body shaking violently.

"Piper!" Jason grabbed my arms and just managed to stop me from rolling into the river.

The convulsion passed. I took ragged breath and managed to sit up. I felt horribly weak and nauseous, but I next breath came more easily. The blisters on my arms started to fade.

"It worked,"I croaked. "Jason, you've got to drink."

"I . . ." His eyes rolled up in the back of his head  he slumped against me.

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