Chapter 19

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                  Piper's pov 

                    Piper almost yelped aloud . She glanced at Jason.Even in the red light of the Phlegethon, his face seemed waxy. 

                Medea and Empousai, she mouthed Vampires.

               Jason nodded grimly.

             She remember Medea about eight months ago, on their first quest Jason their friend Leo and her come to her underground mall, M's, after following some , where Medea introduces herself only as the Princess of Colchis. She begins to show the demigods her stock of magic objects and potions, but becomes angry when she hears Jason's name, as he is named after the that betrayed her. It quickly becomes evident to Piper that Medea is up to no good. When Jason and Leo seemed to want to keep shopping, Piper notices that Medea is them into buying whatever she wants them to. Piper attempts to snap them out of it with her own and the stories of the horrible things Medea committed in the past.

As Medea continues to charmspeak them to the point that they are barely listening to Piper. Medea tells them to chop each other into pieces and she would bring them back to life even stronger (the same way she killed Pelias). As Leo and Jason pull out their weapons, Piper gets Medea to admit that she can see the future and knew that Leo would rise up against , so she warned Gaea from the . This event set in motion the awakening of Gaea and the death of Leo's mother. As a reward, Medea was set free of the Underworld and allowed to return to the land of the living, as long as her mall remained underground so Gaea could keep watch on anyone that entered.

Eventually, the two come to their senses, and they blow up the mall after appears, who helps Leo and Jason to defeat the two sun dragons which attacked them on the order of Medea. Medea shouts that she will not be abandoned again as she was by Jason and almost manages to gain Piper's sympathy. They choose to leave her, however, when they realize that Medea was only trying to buy more time to destroy them. She is an agent of Gaea, and the one who had warned them about. As they fly away with and the (caged in the bottom floor of Medea's mall), they look back to make sure the she wasn't chasing them. Later, Aphrodite warns Piper in her dream where she is shopping in Medea's mall, that Medea will return later on, along with others.

      Now Piper finally know what she meant. 

         Piper was the one who killed her Piper sent her here....

        Piper gritted her teeth. She had faced a lot of bad monsters before but she hated empousai more than most.

      In addition to their nasty claws and fangs, they had a powerful ability to manipulate the mist. They could change shape and charmspeak, tricking mortals into letting their guard down. Men especially.


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