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Chapter 4

Colin tapped his foot on the stone floor and then looked up the stairs once again. She had been up there, changing, for the past twenty minutes. It didn't take that long for a woman to change, did it? He glanced down once more at his pocket watch. Five minutes. He would only give her five more minutes before he went up after her, to make sure everything was fine, of course.

"She's beautiful," someone said from his left. Turning his head, he noticed that Peirce was still standing there.

"What are you doing here? Should you not be cooking or something that requires your presense elsewhere?" Colin said trying to keep the irritation out of his voice.

Peirce didn't even take his eyes off the staircase as he answered, "Do you have food somewhere in this manor that I do not know about? If you do, I will happily make her whatever food she wants."

"You are my cook."

"Now, I am Cassandra's cook also," Peirce said with a calm voice as he gave Colin a leveled look.

Colin winced as he realized his behavior was irrational. He did not understand why his emotions where uncontrollable, but he had no right to take it out on his friend. Colin opened his mouth to apologize, but the sound of footsteps interrupted what he was about to say. Looking at Cassandra, his mouth didn't close though. Did she honestly think he would let her go out in that? Where were her petticoats? He didn't see them sticking out the bottom of her gown like what was fashionable.

Glancing at her body, he realized that it looked as if she was wearing only the gown. It was an old brown gown with holes in the bottom. His nose curled in disgust while his eyes appreciated the sight.

"Are you both ready to leave?" She asked in a chipper voice.

"Yes," Peirce said at the exact time that Colin said, "Change."

She looked at him with furrowed brows, "Why do I need to change?"

"Your clothing is improper," he said, motioning up and down her body.

"It is perfectly fine for working, and you know it. Would you rather me wear all of those clothes and swoon from the heat?"

He looked at her and contemplated his options. Either he could make her go change, or he could let her leave the estate the way she was. On one hand she could possibly faint, on the other hand, men would see her like that. Colin wanted to make sure that the sight she presented was not seen by anyone else. He might appreciate it, but he did not want others to.


She glared at him. "I am not changing, and that is final. Now, Peirce, I need to grab my bag and then we can go."

Colin's eyes narrowed at the blatant defiance. If he did not show her who was boss now, she would never listen to him in the future. He had seen men who were controlled by their woman. It was rare, but it had happened. Colin refused to be one of those men.

"I said change," he demanded and watched, fascinated, as her cheeks turned an attractive pink color. Her eyes flashed in rage. She was even more beautiful when she was angry, and Colin couldn't wait to make her angry in the future.

"I am not deaf. I heard what you said, but I am not changing."

She crossed her arms over her chest. Her chin was tilted up making her look like a stubborn child. He let his eyes linger momentarily. From the angle she was standing, the sun outlined her in a manner that made her seem as if she was glowing. Her blonde hair sparkled in its unkempt spring of curls; her curves could easily be seen through the flimsy gown. At that moment, Colin wished he could touch her. He wished he could run his hands through her hair as her body pressed against his.

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