Part 36

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Chapter 36

Cassandra narrowed her eyes at Will.  It was a game that he played with all of her suitors.  He would test them to see which ones he found acceptable.  The men, who reacted in a way that was not in his liking, would disappear or suddenly loose interest in her. 

“Will, may I speak with you alone?” she asked with a sweet smile.

Her childhood friend looked at her knowingly before smirking at Colin.  “If you would not mind, your wife would like some alone time with me.”

Cassandra would have laughed at the way Will was carrying on if it were not for that fact that it was Colin he was jesting with.  Instead of reacting like she thought he would, Colin smiled in Will’s direction. “You may take my wife wherever pleases you, Will.”

Will stared at Colin with a confused expression that matched her own.  What was her husband planning?  Where was the jealousy he had displayed minutes earlier?  Noticing her expression, Colin reached out and hugged her to him.  “I may not know the man, but I trust you,” he whispered in her ear.  He was so close that when the words were said, his lips brushed her ear causing heat to bloom on her cheeks.  Leaning back, he smiled in satisfaction and pushed her towards Will.

“You two have fun reminiscing,” Colin called out as we began walking away.

Will snagged my hand and pulled me further down the hall.  She knew the man did not know where he was going, but she did not have the mind set to tell him a direction.  What was Colin planning?  He had said he trusted her.  Was he being truthful?  Or was it something he said just to annoy Will? 

The sound of a door creaking open caught her attention.  Looking up, she realized they were standing in the study.  She did not have time to look around as Will pulled her towards him.  “Cassie, please come home,” he whispered.  “I miss you.”

She heard the seriousness in his voice, but also the underlining amusement.  Tightening her hold, she told him, “You miss the fact that I kept the fortune seeking mothers away.”

“Yes,” he admitted, “but I also miss you.  I do not think you understand how boring it is now.  There is no food being spilt, no tapestries falling, there is nothing fun happening at the palace without you there.”

“You find my clumsiness amusing?”

He chuckled while pulling back to glance down at her.  “Yes, as did every person who has ever crossed your path.  I do not think you realize, well to be honest, I did not even realize that once you leave, you take the light with you.  You are my best friend, Cassie, and I do not think I can live my life without you.”

“You are my oldest friend, Will, and I do not want to live my life without you either, but I am happy here.  I am truly happy.  No one looks at me in fear, no one looks at me in pity, they see me, and not what people have accused me of,” she told him while placing a hand on his cheek.

He covered her hand with his own.  “If that is how you feel, there is only one solution.”

“What would that be?”

He gave her a large grin she recognized from her childhood of mischief.  “How would you like to be honored with the stay of a prince?”

“Any particular Prince?” she asked while raising an eyebrow.  “I heard the one of Spain is a particular man.”

He tapped her nose.  “It would be me, of course.  Would that not be fun?  I can stay here for a while.”

“I do not think that would be a very grand idea,” she mumbled thinking of the interruptions her and Colin already faced. If Will was added into the mix, they would never have time alone.

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