Everyone's Princess

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Chapter 6

Colin watched Cassie as she walked around the town. The small boy still clung to her with a surprisingly strong grip. He watched as she turned and felt a tinge of jealousy as the lad turned with her. If he was to do such a thing, she would surely chastise him for hovering.

Peirce let out another laugh. What was it that his friend found so humorous today?

"What is it, Peirce?" Colin growled.

Peirce flashed him a smile that seemed brighter. "Have you even thought about the lad's family?"

The question hit him hard. Had he really forgotten that the boy could have a family? It wasn't in his nature to think of things like that. To Colin, the only person he could trust, let alone make decisions for, was himself.  A sense of panic went through him before he could push it away.  His life was becoming something he wasn't sure he wanted.  He had responsibilities he had never thought he would have, but now, he did not only have to worry about his own future, but the future of two others.

"It does not make a difference," Colin said while waving a hand dismissively, "If she wants the lad, she can have him."

"Hmm," Peirce said while raising an eyebrow.

"What? That is all you have to say? 'Hmm'?" He was confused at Peirce's lack of response. Usually, the man would be talking his ear off about how important social life was, and about Colin needing a family.

"You're starting to fall for her," Peirce whispered.

"I am not," Colin denied. He was not going to fall for his wife. He would prove it to Peirce with his next words. "In fact, if you would like to keep her company, you may."

As soon as the words left his lips, he wanted to snatch them back. He lied. He would never allow Peirce to touch his wife in an intimate way. Looking at Peirce's smile, he imagined the way Cassie had twisted her fingers before she delivered her punch. She had done a fine job, and the questions still ran through his head. How did she know how to make a proper fist?

Peirce interrupted the thoughts that were running through Colin's mind. "Do you really think that? You are like a brother to me, Colin. I have to admit, she is beautiful." Colin glared at his friend as Peirce smiled before quickly continuing, "Now, don't growl at me.  She and I would never be compatible. You are the Prince to her Princess, and I couldn't be happier for you."

Colin knew that his friend's words rang true, and for the first time, he was reminded that he was not the only one with a sordid past. He had forgotten all the things that his friend had gone through. He had forgotten that it was those things that had brought them closer together. Looking at Peirce, he had to admit that he trusted more than one person. The man standing next to Colin was more than just a servant; he was a friend and brother.

Colin had grown up an only child; a child who never played with the villagers. His father had said it was improper for him to soil his hands by playing in the dirt. The only person he had ever talked to was a servant's son. Oh, they started out hating each other. The rivalry of boys was something that they both basked in.

Nothing was more thrilling than challenging another to a game. Somehow, over the years, the rivalry had simmered down. What came out of it was an everlasting friendship. It had been tested throughout the years, just like all relationships, but they had prevailed through the worst of times.

Colin's mind reminisced at all the times they had fought over trivial issues. Things like who could run the fastest or who could hunt a rabbit the best. He wished that times were like they were when he was a child. The village had prospered then, but with his father's death, a plague hit the small town. As much as Colin hated to admit it, his father was a great leader.

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