Part 44

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Chapter 44

Will glanced over at her.  Looking at him, she hesitated before nodding.  They had a plan, a plan that she did not like.  The man was putting his life on the line for her.  Would she be able to deal with it if he were to be harmed?  Would she be able to live with herself if he did not make it?

His eyes narrowed as if he could hear what she was thinking.  The thing she found amusing was that she could almost hear him admonishing her.  Sending him a tiny smile, she straightened her spine and waited for the men to open the door.  If Will was going to put himself in the line of danger for her, she would do anything she could in order to make it easier on him. 

As the door cracked open, Cassandra froze.  Immediately, she could make out the man’s features.  A soft glow from the lantern lit his face, but it was enough.  His blonde hair stood out, as did his blue eyes.  What was new though, was the harsh expression on his face.  He had mastered the art of disguising the evilness inside of him.  What had changed?  Did he no longer feel the need to hide himself from others, or did he know that Cassandra knew whom he truly was?  There was no way for him to hide the man underneath the charm when she had met him before.

Her mouth opened, ready to begin talking.  She wanted answers.  She wanted to know why the man could not leave her alone.  He did not love her, nor did he have a sudden infatuation for her.  What was it that this man wanted?  Before she could utter a word, though, Will acted on his plan.  Throwing himself at the man, Will knocked his body into James’s.  The lantern crashed to the ground with them.  Glass crushed onto the dirt ground while flames caught on the two.

Cassandra looked down on the two in complete shock.  This was not part of the plan.

“Run!” Will shouted.

She took a step towards the door, but could not move any further.  Did he expect her to leave him in the carnage?  Did he expect her to run like a coward while he burnt to death?  Turning back, she did not even think over her actions as she threw herself onto James’s back and pulled him off Will.  The flames licked at her skin, but did not do much damage.  As soon as James rolled, she was off him and towards Will.  The Duke could burn to death for all she cared; her main priority at that moment was her friend.

“Will,” she whispered, as she got closer.  He was rolling on the ground, attempting to get the flames to diminish.  The only problem was the fire was not going out.  Bending down, she ripped the skirt off her gown.  It may not be the most effective material, but it would help.  Standing over him, she threw it over his body before wrapping around him.  His body quit wiggling, the flames were free from his torso, but they still needed to leave the cabin before they could not escape.  The fire was spreading rapidly, and even though Will was hurt, he needed to move.

Leaning down, she grabbed his arms and began tugging him up.  His eyes snapped open.  Pain was evident in the dark blue, but he was conscious.  He knew what was going on, and he was doing everything that he could in order to stand on his own.  Tears filled her eyes as she watched his struggle.  If they had had more time, she would not have let him move, but with the impending destruction, all she could do was hurry him along.  

Finally, he rose to his feet.  Small flames still licked at his clothing, but for the most part, it was gone.  Cassandra left her skirt cloth around his shoulders; it would help protect him from any other flames they may encounter.  Grabbing his hand, she led him towards the door.  For once, there were no more obstacles in their way.  Whoever the other two men were, must have fled when they saw smoke.  Cassandra did not expect much from them.  If they were cowardly enough to do James’s work, they were fainthearted men who would run at any sign of danger.

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