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Chapter 14

"Where did that come from?" Colin asked in shock. He had just spent hours trying to make food, and this boy walked in with a plate full.

Ramsey smiled at him. "Peirce told me to bring it to you in the kitchen."

"And why did he do that?" Cassandra asked with a mouth full of jam.

Colin grimaced at her; that was not one of her most attractive traits. Frankly, if she didn't learn to close her mouth while she ate, he wasn't sure if he would eat in the same room as her. Looking away, he noticed Ramsey's amused look. Ah, so the boy already knew about that bad habit. It just made Colin wonder what other bad habits she had.

"Oh, he did not go," Ramsey said with a large grin.

"What do you mean he did not go?" Colin asked in disbelief.

Ramsey walked towards them to place the food down on the table. Taking a step back, he began to speak, "Well, you see, Peirce heard a certain conversation that let him know his services were no longer needed."

"Yes, I see. What I do not see is why he is still here. I distinctly remember telling him to go. Not once did I tell him to stay," Colin said with narrowed eyes.

"Colin! You should not treat Peirce like that," Cassie admonished.

"He is a servant," he mumbled under his breath while picking up a piece of meat. Taking a large bite, he used the time to think of a way to redeem himself. The fact of the matter was that Colin wanted Peirce to leave. He wanted some alone time with his wife. He wanted her to come to him when she needed help, not Peirce.

"I cannot believe you would say such a thing," she told him, dumbfounded. "He is your friend before he is your servant. What is the matter with you?"

Colin swallowed his mouthful of food and let out a sigh. He could and would not admit the truth. She would think he cared, and he didn't want her thinking that just yet. He still needed to find out some things about her before he let down his guard.

"Nothing; I just do not like to be undermined," he lied.

"You are lying," she stated smugly while grabbing a fork and stabbing part of the yellow eggs.

Shock froze his actions. "How do you know?"

"Hmm," she asked while chewing. Colin waited for her mouth to open, but thankfully, she took a swallow before talking once more. "Oh, your eyes dart up and to the left when you lie."

"No they do not," he replied indignity.

"Aye, they do," Ramsey called out.

Two sets of eyes turned. Cassie gave him a smile while Colin glared at Ramsey. He didn't like to have his weaknesses pointed out to everyone, and how did she notice the movement of his eye when he lied? Squaring his shoulders, he turned to Cassie.

"My eyes do not dart up and to the left when I lie," he told her trying to keep his eyes staring into hers.

"They just did," she said while grabbing more food.

"Really?" he asked in slight suspicion.

"Yes. If you want to know when Ramsey lies, he looks down while he's talking. Peirce rubs the back of his head."

"How is it that you know these things?" Colin asked curiously.

"Father is someone the King listens to. Answer me this: what good would my father be if his opinions were inaccurate?"

Colin didn't understand where her conversation was going, but decided to humor her anyhow. "He would be worthless."

Her nose crinkled up as she thought. "I would not go as far as to say that. My father would never be worthless."

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