Part 40

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Chapter 40

Colin looked at the man in front of him.  His eyes were darting around the room as if he expected Cassie to jump out any minute.  Thoughts were flying through Colin’s mind, but he did not voice them nor let them show on his face. Was the man as dishonest as Will had said?  Or was it Will that did not tell the truth?  Glancing over at the man, Colin made his decision.

“She went for a ride,” he told Ashmore with a smile.

Cassie’s father looked back at the door before turning towards Colin.  “That is odd, I could have sworn that Ramsey commented on Dread being in the stable, and he just returned Fury.”

Remembering the play-acting he had done as a child, Colin put a worried expression on his face.  He knew that if Peirce or Cassie saw his face, they would see right through it, but he hoped Ashmore would not see the falsehood.  “Did you see her before you came in?”

“No,” Ashmore said as he shook his head, “I did not see my daughter outside.  The only possible solution is that she is in the house.”

Will stepped forward.  “I have not seen her since she left on the morn.  I am sure everyone can attest to that fact.”

“It is not that I do not believe you, my boy.  It is that she may have slipped by you.  She is a slippery thing at times.”

Colin nodded in agreement.  “That she is, but I am sure she would have come to me when she arrived from her ride.  She knows how I worry while she is gone.  The letters do not sit well with me.  If it were not for her stubbornness, I would have had someone accompany her.”

“She is a stubborn chit,” Ashmore said with a fond smile.  “You do not mind if I look around the house do you?”

“Not at all,” Will told him.  “My father is in study; I am sure he would love to visit with you.”

Ashmore nodded, a thoughtful expression covering his face.  “Your father may be able to help with a certain predicament I am having.  Grand idea, William, if you do not mind, I shall be on my way.”

“I do not mind at all,” Colin assured him.

Watching as the man let the foyer, Colin did not let out the breath he was holding until he was positive the man was out of hearing distance.  He turned to Will and slammed the man into the wall.  “If you are lying to me, I promise you will regret it.  I did not become as bitter as I am without having a hard life.  It made me strong, it made me smarter, and I will not tolerate you destroying my family for some selfish need you may have.”

Will started into Colin’s eyes without flinching.  It was as if he expected the short bout of violence from Colin.  “I do not want to hurt Cassie.  To be frank, I do not care about you at all.  You are not my friend, and I do not know if we ever will be, but you are Cassie’s.  She loves you more than she has ever loved a man.  If that means dealing with your childish antics, I will do so, but remember who saved your head when this is over.”

“I will, and do not forget that I will also remember who put it at risk if anything should happen,” Colin replied while easing away from the man.  Holding his hand out, he waited for the key to hit his palm.  He took a few steps towards the closet, pushing the key in; he turned it until the click sounded.  As his hand went towards the door, he thought better of it and took a giant step back.  His decision was a wise one, because no sooner than he did that was Cassie flinging herself out of the tiny room and into his arms.

“I hate being locked into small spaces.  If I know I can get out, it does not bother me, but if I am locked in…” she trailed off in explanation to the shudders she was experiencing.

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