Part 38

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Chapter 38

Cassandra paced around the room, trying to be as quiet as possible as she looked for a large cloth they could use later. Her foot snagged on the corner of the bed, and all her hopes to keep Colin asleep vanished as she slammed into the ground.

"Are you alright?" he asked while running his hands over her body. "You did not hurt yourself, did you?"

She pushed herself up and glared at him. "I am fine. Can you help me to my feet?"

Nodding, he stood up and held his hand out. She gripped it while pushing herself up with her other hand. In seconds, she was pressed against him. His arms wrapped around her. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he smiled down on her. "What is my surprise?"

"You're eager," she said while narrowing her eyes. "What did Peirce tell you?"

"Nothing, I promise. Now, let's be on our way."

"Will you let me decide when to leave? It is my surprise to you," she mumbled.

He pulled away from her with a smile. "I am sorry, love. I am just not a patient man."

"No, you are not. Come, it's time to eat."

"Do we have too?" he groaned like a child.

Cassandra just shook her head in disbelief and walked towards the door. Before she could even step out of the chamber, he snagged her hand and pulled her back. Looking down on her, he sent her a loving smile. "Are you sure you want to pick today for whatever surprise it is that you have concocted?"

"Why would I wait?"

He bit his lip in a manner Cassandra found completely adorable. "Your father should arrive today."

Excitement built in her. "Truly, my family is visiting today? I thought it would be another week before they arrived. Colin, I want to be here when they arrive."

His face dropped, but he still kept the smile on his face. "We can wait for a better time."

She shook her head. He was willing to wait for something that he really wanted; she would do the same for him. "No, it will be today."

"Good, because I don't think I could wait any longer," he said with a large smile.

Pulling away from him, she smiled before pecking him on the cheek. "Food."

"Food," he replied with a nod.

She did not turn to see if he followed as she left the room. He would always be there for her, in every way. Jogging down the stairs, she let all of her worries leave her mind. The letter, the fact that her father may attempt to make her leave, and the King that was sitting in dining room, did not matter to her at that moment. Today would be a care free one, one filled with happiness, not worry.

"Cassie," Will called from the table, "sit by me. We can reminisce." The smile he had on his face was full of promise. Cassandra did not know what he was promising, but it wasn't something that she wanted.

Colin put an arm around her waist before turning his attention to her friend. "Will, have you seen the beautiful f-"

"I will stop!" the Prince shouted causing her to jump in surprise.

Colin chuckled. "I was just going to ask if you had seen the beautiful food Peirce has cooked."

Cassandra glanced between the two of them with a raised brow. They were keeping something from her. Did she really want to know what it was? She thought it over before deciding that, no; she was perfectly fine not knowing what mischiefs the men had gotten themselves into.

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