Part 47

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Chapter 47

Colin looked down on his future wife with a tiny smile on his face.  She came through.  It may have taken some time and some persuasion, but she came through for him.  When he had thought she would give up on him, like all the others, she had opened her eyes and proved him wrong.  She had prevailed where others would have failed.

Tightening his grip on the two sticks, he glanced up.  The sun was rising, causing a nice glow to light their way.  The air still had a hint of coldness in it, while the ground was slightly wet from the morning.  Colin took a deep breath, letting the clean air flow through his lungs.  This was what Cassie needed, fresh air.

The manor loomed ahead, making excitement beat in his chest.  As soon as she was home, it would take only a short time for her to heal.  If it did take her longer than they planned, Colin would send for a preacher and they would get married with her still in her sick bed.  No matter what happened, Colin would not let her father take her away from him again.  Cassie would be where she needed to be, by his side.

Would Ashmore admit to all the things he did?  Would he explain why James had been the one to harm her, or why Colin had been led into a trap?  Would Ashmore admit to his other schemes, like the fact that Colin and Cassie were never wed?  The man may be powerful, but this was Cassie, everyone’s princess.  As soon as everyone saw the harm set upon her, they would want to place blame.  Ashmore needed to be careful, because, in Colin’s eyes, the blame was set on that man’s shoulders.

“Colin,” Peirce called from behind him.

Colin did not make a move to turn towards his friend.  He would not take his eyes off Cassie until he knew she was safe. “What is it, Peirce?”

“What are you going to do when we arrive?”

Colin understood the question, but thought it was best to pretend ignorance.  “What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean,” Peirce said with a tiny sigh.  “They will think that you were the one to put her in such a condition.  You also have the Prince with you.  What will people think when you come back with the two most favored people in London, and both have major injuries.”

“I do not care what they think, Peirce,” Colin assured him.  “All I care about is the fact that Cassie is well.”

“She will be fine, Colin,” a voice mumbled from behind him.  Colin knew whom the voice belonged to, but rage still coursed through his body, and Ramsey’s voice intensified that rage.

“Ramsey,” Peirce said in a calming voice, “I think it would be better if you kept your mouth closed for a while.”

Silence met Peirce’s words until the man finally whispered, “How long may a while be?”

Colin took a quick glance over his shoulder.  “A long time.” Settling his eyes back on Cassie, he knew his words were untrue.  As soon as the woman woke completely, she would talk the anger out of him.  She would smile up at him with her lively blue eyes and explain that Ramsey was doing what he thought was best.

As they became closer to the manor, Colin debated the easiest way to handle the upcoming situation.  Ashmore would demand answers, Cooper would want Cassie, and the King would be there.  What was the best way to solve all his problems?  Run.  Nevertheless, Colin could not run this time; he had to do what Cassie wanted and face these men.  Tilting his head up, he pushed away the pain throbbing at his head and put on a brave face.  None of the people running out the door would know how bad he felt. 

Cooper was the first to reach them.  His wide eyes immediately fell on Cassie.  Tears gathered in them, causing pain to stab at Colin’s heart.  There was nothing more that he wanted to do than to just reach out and hold the child in a hug.  Colin could not do that though, he needed to take care of Cassie first.

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