Part 50

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Chapter 50

"Will," Cassandra heard someone whisper, "get your hands off Cassie.  Quietly, please."

The arm that was wrapped around her lifted, the leg that was thrown over hers shifted away.  Groaning in frustration, she attempted to snuggle back into the warmth she had felt only minutes before.  She was pulled away though and lifted into the air.  A small gasp escaped her lips as she opened her eyes to gaze at Colin.

"What are you doing?"

He smiled down on her with a wicked grin.  "I am kidnapping you."

"Where are we going?"

"Do not fret, love.  I have a plan."

"You always have a plan," she mumbled as she snuggled closer into his arms.  Sleeping was one of the only things she wanted to do in the past three days since Will have woke, but Colin seemed to have other plans.  He awkwardly opened the chamber door, causing her to smile in amusement.  "Let me down."

He muttered something underneath his breath.  "I am going to carry you."

"Why?  We could fall down the stairs," she pointed out.

His grip tightened on her.  "I will not let you get hurt again.  I am so sorry, Cassie."

She rolled her eyes at him.  "We have been over this.  It was nor mine or your fault.  You cannot control other people's actions."

"I can protect you, though."

"You cannot be with me all the time," she reminded him.

He looked down at her with another wicked smile as they descended the stairs.  "Yes, I can."

A blush stained her cheeks, causing her to push her face into his chest.  He chuckled at her as they slowly made their way down the stairs.  Once he reached the bottom, he paused as if he was waiting for someone.  Tiny feet slapped onto the ground, letting her know exactly who the person was.  Pulling her face away from Colin, she smiled at Cooper.  "Hello, love."

He sent her a large smile and a tiny wave, but did not say a word.  She shrugged; at least the child accepted her. 

"Cooper, are you ready?" Colin asked with a mischievous tone.

Cooper nodded and ran towards the door.  Lifting to his toes, he pulled the handle open for Colin and Cassie.  Cassandra smiled her thanks as they exited the manor.  Standing at the bottom of the stairs, were Fury and Dread.  The two horses stood there as if they were royalty themselves.  Colin reached for Fury, and she came to him without hesitation.  The sidesaddle on top her, let Cassie know whom the mount was intended for.

Colin lifted her with ease, but with care.  Placing her on the saddle, he smiled.  "Just a little longer."  Ignoring the remark, she watched him as he sauntered towards Dread.  He was magnificent, and she was his.  The possessive pang sent a smile to her face.  It would be him and her forever.

Watching as Colin lifted Cooper onto the horse first, her future husband slid behind the lad.  Sending her a smile over his shoulder, he called out.  "Follow my lead, but attempt to be quiet.  Not everyone knows where we are going."

She nodded her acceptance and did as she was told.  They made their way onto the road, but instead of making a left towards the village, the trotted the way they had been days before.  Memories flashed in her mind, but she pushed them back.  Whatever it was that Colin was planning, he meant for it to be a joyful, and she would not ruin his plan by remembering a past she could not change.

As they reached the fork in the road, her palms began to sweat.  Mayhap she was not as ready to visit this place as she had thought.  It was not the fact that she had gotten hurt that bothered her; it was remembering Colin, as he lay motionless on the ground. 

"Cassie," Colin spoke in a strong, steady voice.  Her gaze snapped towards him.  "It is just memories, nothing can harm you anymore."

She sent him a tiny smile.  "I know, but it matters not.  I seem to have a strong aversion to that road."

"Do not worry," he said with a smile.  "We are not heading that way."

With that, he turned his back on her once more and led the horse to the right.  Her eyebrows knitted together.  What was he doing now?  Why were they headed to a different village that was governed by a different family?  She opened her mouth to ask her question, but snapped it shut once more.  She would not question him; she would not diminish the excitement in the air.

It felt like days before they finally reached the next village.  To Cassandra her bed sounded like heaven, but she still pulsed with anticipation.  Why were they here?  Did he have a surprise for her?  Did he want to pick up supplies for their village?  Whatever the reason was, she could not keep the smile of eagerness from her face.

Coin stopped in front of her, causing Fury to do the same.  The horse could always take direction, something, Cassandra had to admit, that she herself was not good at.  Pursing her lips, she contemplated whether she should dismount herself.  Her question was answered for her when a male hand came in to view. She glanced down at the man and smiled.  "Peirce."

"Cassie, love," he said with a smile while flicking his wrist.  She understood the message, and placed her palm into his.  Grabbing her hand, he placed his other hand under her arm and lifted her from her mount.  Placing her on the ground, he sent her a brilliant smile.  "It is good to see you up and about.  I had thought you would lie in bed forever."

She huffed at him.  "I would never be able to stay there long."

"I know," he replied.  Grabbing her hand, he pulled her towards a small home.  "You will get ready here."

"Ready for what?" she asked while glancing behind her in attempt to find Colin, but the man was gone.

"It is a surprise."

"One that I will like?" she questioned with narrowed eyes.

He nodded.  "One that you will love, but first, you must go into that house."

"That one," she said while pointing out a small village home.  Peirce nodded and pushed her towards it.  She stumbled, but quickly righted herself. Nervousness bubbled in her stomach.  She had no reason to be nervous, but she could not stop the feeling from entering her.

Stepping closer towards the door, she placed a timid knock on it.  It opened, but Cassie the glare from the sun, made it to where she could not see the person inside. 

"Come in," a feminine voice said.  Cassandra paused before taking a step forward.  The glare disappeared as she stepped in, but soon, her feet froze.  Looking at the woman in amazement, Cassandra reached up to touch her own hair.

The woman smiled.  "One thing we have in common, it seems."

"You look like me," Cassandra mumbled.

"Nay," the woman replied with a shake of her golden hair.  "It is you who looks like me."

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