Chapter 4

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I watch her car pull out of the driveway and disappear around the corner before pummeling my fist into a nearby tree. The pain is immediate, but weirdly it has a calming effect. I need a wake-up call and the blood that runs from my cracked knuckles does the trick. What the fuck was I thinking? What possessed me to say those things? I don't need to get deeply involved. Lasting relationships are too much work. My parents are evident of that. I enjoy my life, living on the edge with no extra worry of a woman attached to my side. I've worked hard at the bachelor, no strings attached lifestyle. Yet, in the last few months, I've gained a namesake through Red's son and now this. I'm getting soft.

Pulling out my cell phone, I dial Captain Black.

"I have the tracking device on her vehicle," I announce when he picks up on the second ring.

"Good." He sounds relieved. "Ayasha will be glad to hear it. Keep your distance. Don't scare her into trying to protect herself. That's the last thing we need."

Climbing into my truck, I start the engine. "You telling me this off the record?"

"Knowing you, you'll get your ass in trouble at some point and need to be active to keep you out of trouble. So, no, count this as on the record."

Pulling out of the driveway, I turn on the GPS to the device I planted and smile when I see the small circle blinking on the screen.

"Not me, Captain. I'm always the perfect gentleman."

A cough sounds on the other end of the line.

"Whatever you say, Dice. Keep us informed and let me give you a small piece of advice."

Sitting back, I watch the scenery go past. Mississippi is a beautiful state despite the heat and humidity the summers often bring. The cool weather of a light winter gives it an even better appearance.

"What's that?"

"Let her contact you. She's not stupid. She'll know when she's over her head."

I affirm the information before hanging up the phone. I know the captain's right. She's not the vulnerable, boy-crazy girl I met a couple of years ago. I'm the oldest out of the men in Rescue Team Nine at twenty-nine, making me five years Cloey's senior. I'm smart enough to realize that life has a tendency to make people grow up, and Cloey Henderson is all grown up. In a big way. If I'm not careful, I'll find myself falling in love with the blond haired, blue-eyed angel. But that's the problem. I'm anything but careful. I haven't earned my name for taking the safe path. Watching the blinking circle on the screen once more, I groan. Oh hell. I might as well admit it. I'm screwed. 

Impossible Odds: Rescue Team NineWhere stories live. Discover now