Chapter 15

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How is it possible to create a man that looks that good? My mouth waters every time he's near. He does things to my heart that is undeniable. I'm angry at his male chauvinist attitude, yet I understand his reluctance. I've wronged him so how does he know I won't try to save our daughter by myself. Dice groping two women had nothing on me keeping his daughter away from him for two years. I was stupid, plain and simple, but the hurt from him walking away without giving me a chance to show him how love can be still stings. No matter how much worse my crime was from his.

I have my bag packed and ready before the boys have time to return to the main house. Thankfully I still have stuff stashed at Wayward Ranch during the time I stayed here after my brother was arrested. It's a plus that it all still fits after having a child. They'll be a little tight but I can deal with that. It's much better than the guys trying to sneak off without me. They have to take me with them. I'm in too deep. The only comfort in this whole escapade is the knowledge that our daughter is in a safe and comfortable place, and they're sending in security to watch her. The door opens, and I stand. Ayasha places a comforting hand on my shoulder. My cousin forgiving me was a therapy I needed. Having my best friend in my corner is something I hadn't realized I missed. I had gotten good at covering my life up, and it had become second nature to lie. It's a fact that saddens me. I know my grandfather meant well when he worked at convincing me even more that Dice wanted nothing to do with me and his daughter. Gramps was a better man, a reformed man when he died. He no longer carried the hate that had plagued him for so many years. He died in peace, but he left with the reassurance that I would care for his great-granddaughter and protect her at all costs. I hope I'm doing that now and with the team behind me, I know they can do a better job than I ever could alone.

Stepping from the room, I watch the men drag equipment and gear into the living room at Wayward Ranch. The guys not going with us will be staying at a place close by to keep tabs and try to locate Benjamin. Both Dice and Gunner are dressed in civilian clothing. To the outside, it would appear Dice is returning home with his friend and girlfriend for a yearly visit to see his family.

I watch Dice from across the room. His movements are confidant and effortless. The man is a natural in the military. His fearlessness scares the shit out of me. It places him in too many high-risk situations, and I know, like with any gambling table, that eventually luck runs out. So far he's been lucky but what happens when his lucky dice runs out? I don't know if I can handle that kind of pain, and I know Dice isn't the type to die a boring death. When it's his time, he'll go out in a blaze of glory. That's the type of man he is. I'm proud our daughter shares his genes.

The men often joke that he's the pretty boy of the five-man crew. I can't deny it. Those dark chocolate eyes are responsible for more broken hearts than I can count. His T-shirt strains against the muscles in his chest and arms. His hair has grown some from the days I remember, but the style only emphasizes his perfectly chiseled face. His dark hair, skin, and eyes are a product of his mother and father's infidelity. He doesn't share any of the Sanders' light-colored hair and eyes, and I'm grateful for that. Frankly, he looks more like he's jumped off the pages of a magazine than he does a soldier. However, appearances can be deceiving. I've seen him in action before. The man is strong and deadly when he needs to be. Women throw themselves in his path and make every attempt they can to get inside his pants. He has any number of willing partners, but it's me he shares a child with. I'm pretty certain I can pinpoint the night Felicity was conceived. My insides clench just thinking about it. He may be the pretty boy of the group, but he's not saint in the bedroom. Dice Sanders has a wild side, a side I had and have no problem investigating.

Shaking myself to reality, I step forward when I notice Dice and Gunner getting ready to leave. Picking up my bag, I head toward the door.

"I want you to check in every few hours." The captain's voice leaves no room for argument.

"Yes, sir," both men sound out before heading toward Dice's truck. I make my way to the backseat, but Gunner has already positioned himself there and is strapping in. Sighing, I open the passenger door and get inside.

Dice climbs in a second later and starts the truck. "Ready?"

I nod, unable to speak due to the close proximity of the man. He's affecting me in ways I've tried hard to forget. Everything touches my senses, right down to the earth-smelling soap he's addicted to. If I have to admit it, I'm more scared of Dice Sanders than I am of Benjamin Easton. He has the power to break my heart, and I'm not sure I can survive a second time. 

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