Chapter 35

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The morning and afternoon are a blur in my memory. The hotel suite has turned into a frantic parade of people getting Wildcat transformed to look like my fiancée. And by the time it's done, I have to admit the transformation is uncanny. I have to do a double take from time to time, and I know my woman inside and out. Wildcat's height is something we can't help, but I know the men sent to try and kill her won't know that. Gunner continues to bicker with our new partner to the point of amusement.

"You think they'll ever get along?" Red asks. We're standing side by side watching the pair with fascination. If it wasn't for the disguise, I suspect they would make the UFC look weak. Man vs. Woman times five.

"I imagine they'll either kill each other or have some of the best make-up sex ever." Red and I turn to Bear, who's positioned himself on the other side of me.

"No way. Those two? I'm a gambling man and I don't see it."

Bear shrugs. "They don't see it either, but it's there. Tell me, have you ever seen a woman infuriate that man more than she does?"


"Point made."

When I glance back, I can see what our partner is talking about. Gunner's hands are fisted at his side in his attempt to keep himself from striking out. He's not a man who is easily riled up, even if he's a sarcastic son of a bitch. Wildcat's getting under his skin and he's oblivious to it. Thinking of the blonde who's grabbed my own heart and taken it with her, I can feel Gunner's pain. It happens when you least expect it.

"I know I shouldn't be, but I'm worried, Dice." She must have a sixth sense. Turning, I notice the way Cloey's brow is scrunched together and the way she's biting her lip. That last act has me changing position to avoid the way my fatigues are stretching across the front. It's a habit of hers that turns me on more than she will ever know. Smoothing a stray piece of hair out of her face, I take her in my arms and hold her.

"Darlin', you're going to have to trust our training. We'll get him."

She lets me hold her, and I relish the feel of her in my arms. We should have never let those two years go between us. Yeah, she fucked up, but so did I. I could have fought for her. I could have gone to her and told her I was an idiot for telling her I wasn't meant for love and happiness and all that fucked-up romance. I'm finding out that was false, so damned false.

"Kill him, Dice." I pull her away from me and am surprised at the determination on her face.

"I mean it. If it comes between you not coming back to me and putting a bullet through his head, then you pull the trigger. Promise me."

No matter how messed up her brother was, he was still her brother. No matter how this bastard has tried to kill her as a result of her brother, I can't imagine how hard it is for her to say those words. She's going to be a doctor after all. My protective streak grows until it's near to bursting.

Kissing the top of her head, I lean down to whisper in her ear, "I promise."

There's no way in hell I'll let that bastard take me down before I get the chance to be with the ones I love. It's inevitable in this career that I could die tomorrow. I've been rolling my dice for so long, I'm surprised life hasn't taken me out yet. Being a gambling man has saved our lives on more than one occasion. It's the type of soldier I am. I'll die doing what I love, but I love Cloey and Felicity more. And this particular mission will not be the one that takes me out. I won't let it.  

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