Chapter 25

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I don't know whether to hate my brother from the grave and Benjamin Easton for the mess he's brought on my family or praise the Heavens for bringing the sense Dice and I needed to find each other again. Either way, we need to catch the bastard so the three of us can have the reunion we need.

It's much later in the day before Dice finally walks me back to my room across the hall. His father sent a message telling us we're expected for lunch. I'm sure it's because he's unhappy we've turned his house into a honeymoon suite, but I wonder how happy he'll be when he finds out his real son, his pride and joy is using their home for a more sinister purpose. The man is so concerned over his status, he doesn't even realize an illegal weapons business is being run right under his nose. I know men like him all too well. My grandfather was one of them and we lost my brother over the family's need to be better and protect the feud that launched between two brothers. In that feud, two ranches were born.

I can't make myself care about that right now. I've never gotten over the man standing in front of me. I wish our time back together didn't have to be spent hunting down my assassin. It's only a matter of time now before he finds out I'm here. He may very well already know by the look of hate on Dice's brother's face last night. Dalton wasn't happy to see me, and I'm sure word will get around. And this time I'm ready to fight.

"I love you."

The words fly out before I realize what I'm doing. My eyes widen out of horror. Instead of replying, Dice leans down to kiss me just as Gunner turns the corner. He's carrying what looks like a cupcake and a roll.

"Keep that fucking love potion over on that side of the hall, please."

I smile thankful I can cover up my embarrassment. "You sure? Being single isn't always what it's cut out to be."

"Positive." He takes a bite out of his cake. "On second thought, if she can cook like Mrs. Patterson, then I might change my mind."

Dice laughs. "Man, no offense, but if the woman could cook macaroni and cheese you'd marry her." He turns back to me. "The saying, 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach,' is an understatement where this guy is concerned."

"Hey, now. I take food very seriously." He flexes his arms. "How else do you think I gained these muscles?"

"Oh yea, PTs and weight rooms had nothing to do with it."

A half smile graces Gunner's lips. Sticking his now-empty hand in his pocket, he faces us. "I'd be skinny as a rail if the captain had anything to do with it."

"Or you could just try staying out of trouble."

His smile widens. "Not a fucking chance."

I chuckle. There's no shortage of entertainment where these men are concerned. I can stand here for hours listening to them, but for now I need a shower and the only thing keeping me decent at the moment is Dice's T-shirt and a pair of his sweatpants. I smell like sex. Not that I mind, but I'm sure everyone else would appreciate my hygiene a lot better without it. The men are still joking behind me when I opened the door to my room. I freeze.

Written in red lipstick on the mirror above my bed are the words YOU'RE DEAD. I must gasp because I hear the guys swearing behind me before I feel Dice's arms surround me. Shaking with anger, I break free of his embrace and stride forward into the room. My bag is dumped out, the contents strewn across the room. Benjamin. Dalton. I don't give a damn which one it is. It's not enough that the bastard burnt my house down, chased me down with a truck, and now this. There is one thing this guy is underestimating ... my fear. When it comes to my child, fear is the last thing on my mind. But a bullet through his brain is something I revel in. I don't care how sadist it sounds, I want him dead.

Damn him," I mutter.

"Don't touch anything," Dice warns.

I turn on him. "You know who did this. I know who did this."

The urge to hit something is strong.

"I know." His voice is soothing. It sounds like he's talking to a small child rather than his fiancée. I know he's doing it to calm me. I realize that, but my anger doesn't want calmness. It wants to be mad.

"Although our suspicions are probably correct," he continues, "any evidence that we can gather on him is a good thing. It can be used later to keep him where he belongs."

He's right. As much as I hate to admit it, his words make sense. I have to do this the right way. I owe it to Felicity and my grandfather who trusted me with not only the upkeep of our family ranch but the inheritance he left his grandchild as well. In all my years of growing up, I'd always envisioned him as an untouchable monster that turned anything he touched evil. Even after he proved otherwise it was hard to believe. I had been shocked to learn the old man was actually the most like me out of anyone else in the household, or I guess it was me being more like him. We not only show similarities in appearance but also in personality. He had a good heart, but he had allowed hate for his brother to rule his life for far too many years. He hadn't realized his mistake until it was too late, but there's one person in the family I know he never gave up on. Me. And I'm determined to show him, even if it's from the grave, that I can be exactly the person he knows I can be. I'm strong, and I have his will. I need to hold on to that.

Gunner takes out his cell phone to call Captain Black. They'll need to investigate the room themselves and gather what evidence they can, but it will have to stay between Dice and Gunner so they don't blow our cover. When Gunner hangs up, Dice kisses me quickly before getting to work. I make my way back to Dice's room and settle myself in the middle of his bed. Bringing the folder Dice and Gunner have collected information in with me, I flip through it. Usually this wouldn't be allowed but my life is at risk, and I want to be as educated as the men when it comes to what I'm facing. And I will face Benjamin Easton. I will. 

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