Chapter 13

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If he thinks he's leaving me behind again, he's delusional. I've overheard enough. After waking up and catching up with Ayasha and spilling my heart out, I feel much better. We hugged and cried, and although I feel like I don't deserve her forgiveness, she gives it anyway.

"I'm going with you."


His answer is direct and firm and yet I'm not listening.

"Your brother is this Benjamin guy's newest bank from the way it sounds. If I go with you and show my face, my head is immediately back on the target list. Why not use me?"

Dice runs his hand through his hair. "Damn it. There is a way to bring him down without bringing you into this. You're safer here."

"I'll be damned, this guy is slick." Striker's voice catches our attention. He has a piece of paper in his hand. When I look over his shoulder to get a glimpse, all I make out is what looks like a politician's schedule. Dice must see the same thing because he shrugs.

"I'm not seeing it, man. Looks like the kind of schedule I grew up in. Schedule appearances, galas, charity work, blah blah blah. Dalton probably has this thing memorized."

Striker whistles. "That's because you're looking between the lines. It's not only a schedule for your brother, but also a scheduled list for smuggled weapons. Turning the papers to face us, he points.

"See these numbers?"

We all nod, but I'm still not getting it. It looks like a time database to me.

"Looks like simple time changes from a quick perusal of the database. Like a precise appointment book, but if you look closely ...." He points to one in particular, a time when Dalton has a golf tournament at the country club. "The numbers written off in the margin match up to dates and times off a list I found in Benjamin's file except his is hidden in the guise of an invoice. We just found their shit list and the perfect way to catch them in the act."

Striker's grin is infectious because there's one aspect I've learned about the guy. He seldom smiles and when he does, it means something.

"In other words, whoever created this sheet was stupid enough to give us a schedule. We have the times and dates to pinpoint each drop-off."

Dice shakes his head. "I don't see a man like Benjamin being that careless, and if he is then he has law enforcement in his corner. The system in that area is known for its corruption."

"But it's not careless," Striker adds. "It just looks that way because I pointed one out. Truthfully, it's ingenious. Even better than some of the paperwork my old man handles. Look at it again with fresh eyes. Pretend you're an assistant looking at your employer's schedule."

I watch all of them glance at the paper from a distance. I don't need to see it to know what he's talking about. It takes Dice a few minutes, but I can tell when the light bulb goes off in his head.

"I'll be damned. You're right. The numbers aren't standing out. Instead, they're hiding in different spots among my brother's schedule. It's like reading a secret military code."

"But it's in a pattern," Gunner chimes in. "Benjamin's paper looks similar to one of the invoices my family gives out at our motorcycle shop."

"Exactly." Striker beams. It's obvious the man loves a good puzzle.

"But we need more than just a schedule and an invoice to put that bastard behind bars for a long time to come. We need solid proof," Dice points out.

"Which means Cloey's appearance by your side will make them careless. It'll throw them off."

Dice flinches at Bear's words, and I can't help my heart soaring that he cares for my safety.

"Fine, but anything goes wrong and I'm pulling her out of there."

It should bother me that they're talking about me as if I'm invisible, but surprisingly, it doesn't. At least from this vantage point, I can get an idea of how much Dice still cares for me. Whether he wants to admit it or not, I know he does. I don't care if I put myself in harm's way or if the guy manages to kill me. I know Dice will take care of Felicity and raise her himself if that happens. Between the money she's inherited and my life insurance, she will be well taken care of for the future.  Dice's own wealth tacked on, and our little girl will never have to worry. If my death means I keep her safe, I'll willingly jump in the pits of hell. I can see the love already building in Dice's eyes for her, and he hasn't even had the chance to hold her yet.  

Impossible Odds: Rescue Team NineWhere stories live. Discover now