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" Hey Nakime, where's this famous restaurant that you mentioned?" Akaza inquired. The group had changed out of their lab coats and were walking towards the town in their distinguishing Kimetsu no Academy uniform.

"Hmm... Do you remember that one eatery on the fourth floor of this mall? The one that used to sell traditional Japanese food? Well, the previous owner passed the restaurant to his son. The fellow is creative and came up with multiple new dishes through cultural fusion. You see, the son travelled to other countries before taking over, therefore he was exposed to food from other countries. This new and innovative way to promote traditional and foreign food was attractive which caused the sudden spike in customers." Nakime explained as the group went up the escalator.

Once the group reached the eatery, it was clear how crowded it was. There weren't any seats inside at all, yet the queue continued to grow. Upon being greeted by this sight, the group decided to buy takeaway and eat while walking home. Thus while Nakime queued with (Y/N), the others were waiting on a bench outside. Daki, Gyuutarou, Douma and Akaza were trashing each other in a video game while Muzan and Kokushibou were discussing academic-related shit.

In the queue, to not make it awkward between the two in a lively atmosphere, (Y/N) was the first to initiate the conversation.

"Hey, uhh... Nakime?"


"About the biwa... I enjoyed your performance just now. When do I get to listen to you play again?"

Nakime smiled and answered, "I'm willing to play the biwa for you anytime. Just tell me you want to listen to it and I'll play it. You can even suggest songs for me to play and I'll go back and practice."

"Oh there's no need. I won't dare ask you to play specific songs for me, you're already doing so much by willingly playing for me whenever I want." (Y/N) rejected.

"It's no trouble at all. I don't mind learning new songs and I'm open to new song recommendations. So on the contrary, you'll be doing me a favour."

"Ahh... I see... Alright then! I'll accept your offer."

It was Nakime and (Y/N)'s turn to order. The young owner was busy cooking in the kitchen while his wife was at the register, taking people's orders and bringing food to the people.

"Good evening! What would the two of you like to order?" Asked the wife as she just finished serving another dish. The exhausted woman smiled warmly and prepared her worn-out notebook to take notes.

The group had already discussed what they wanted to eat before queuing to save time. The restaurant was famous for its creative way of transporting katsu curry in pita bread. It's a wonder how a bread that originated from the Middle East can find its way to a dish from Japan.

"Eight Katsu Curry Pita Pockets, please." Nakime smiled and handed the woman a handful of dollar notes.

The lady took the money, her fingers dancing around the register before she handed Nakime her change.

"Thank you, please wait for your number." The woman said and handed a receipt with the designated number on it. Both Nakime and (Y/N) quickly walked off to make space for the next customer.

The chef was quick and in another twenty minutes or so, the little Pita Pockets were done. Nakime and (Y/N) came back with the others' dinners. Before Nakime could hand out the Katsu Curry, Daki and Douma made their first move by snatching their dinners from Nakime, of course after they'd said thank you.

♡︎𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕒♥︎.𝙺𝚗𝚈 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌Where stories live. Discover now