Chapter 12

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"Here you go," Tom said, placing a drink next to the open book. Ezra looked up with big, surprised eyes. "My shift has finished. Is it okay if we have a drink together?" Ezra nodded, and Tom slid into the square booth. The tight brown leather creased underneath him, and he was glad to be off his feet. "How's the book?"

"Boring." Ezra closed it and quickly looked around. Locals were watching them, motioning towards them, shaking their heads, and leaning closer to talk quietly. Ezra stared down at his jacket that was folded neatly on the table. "You don't have to sit with me just because I helped you yesterday."

"I'm actually sitting here because I want to have a drink with you. I know that you know how grateful I am. I'm sure I said thank you enough times yesterday." Tom smiled, and Ezra's nervous expression simmered. "Ignore them. They have nothing better to talk about, which is actually quite sad."

"It is." Ezra sipped his pint, staring above the glass at Tom. "Is your friend planning on drinking twelve pints tonight?"

"At the pace he's going, I don't think he'll make it to ten." Tom watched Cal run up to Harper and twirl her around and away from her friends. They danced together until she guided him to the bar for another drink. Tom had once done that with Kimberley, his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him with his ex-best friend, Lewis. They had some of the best times in the Glass Horns Pub. The memories hurt, until Ezra interrupted them.

"He's telling everyone about how I saved your life."

Cal had an arm around a local who they had known all their lives, someone who helped Farmer Joel, and sometimes brought in his homemade shortbread. "You can hear him from over here?"


Tom had the sudden urge to down his drink. "Which mean you heard mine and Cal's conversation earlier at the bar?"

"I was trying not to listen."

They looked at each other. A strong blush wildfired through Ezra's pale skin. Tom pursed his lips. Great, he heard me saying that he was hot. He wanted the ground to open a gaping black hole and spit him out onto another planet.

"I appreciate you not telling him what I was reading about," Ezra added. "And saying that you didn't know my name."

"I think he might call you Ez from now on."

"Good. Ezra was a little too close to my full name."

"Should I call you Ez too from now on?"

"Only in front of others. But you don't have to if it's just us." Ezra quickly sipped his drink and adjusted himself on his seat. If he still sat with his hood up, Tom would have assumed he was annoying him. But Ezra was flustered at holding a conversation, like an awkward introvert.

Those brown eyes, Tom thought, when Ezra decided that looking at him was better than the glares from the locals. Why can't I look away? Tom could fall into his stare, until he realised that was the purpose of a demon, to pull you in and tempt you to do mischief. Tom didn't feel like spending all his money on the horses, or punching someone he disliked, or drinking until he was sick, or stealing his bodyweights worth of cheese. He just wanted to stare back.

"Can I ask you something about being a demon?"

Ezra nodded.

"Can you choose when to tempt people and when to not tempt people?"

Ezra shook his head to say no. "It just happens. I guess that's another reason I keep my hood up."

"But I'm not tempted by you. It's not your fault, we still have choices."

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