Chapter 24

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-Y/n's pov-

"they were stabbed to death by a cursed spirit at the entrances to their apartments, and all of them had filed the same complaint with the property managers several weeks before dying. they claimed that their auto-locking doors were left wide open. none of the other residents have any idea what could have happened." nitta explained as megumi, yuji, and i were in the back seat and nobara in the front.

"none of the dates or locations match though." megumi said as he handed me the ipad so that is three could see it. "could the same cursed spirit have killed them all?" i asked looking up at the two males.

"hey, could the cursed spirit be responsible for the doors? do sensors like those pick up cursed spirits?" yuji asked while putting an arm over my shoulder.

'Move his arm now!'

"they don't show up on cameras and stuff so how could the sensors pick it up?" I asked while ignoring Muzan putting my head on his shoulder.

"apparently the cursed spirit made the door operators go crazy, not the sensors." nitta-san explained.

"oh..." i said as i was closing my eyes drifting off to sleep. after what happened at the exchange event you're senses were more alert than normal it was honestly draining. You found yourself in your domain.

You were then tackled by Douma as a gave you a tight hug, "Y/n-sama! I missed you!" He exclaimed, making you sweatdrop, "I just seen you ealier.." your then greeted by the other moons making you smile.

Muzan walks up to you with a small smile, "I see you finally fell asleep you need to take care of yourself more." He scolds you and pinches your cheeks making you whine and shove his hands away.

"I'm tryinggggg." You pout, he just chuckles, "it seems you are waking up until we meet again my queen."

"Y/n.. we're here." megumi said poking my cheek as i gasped for air and immediately sat up.

"Are you okay?" he asked as we got out of the car.

"I'm fine I was in my domain with my moons." i said while giving him a smile.

Megumi just nodded while patting my head and walking towards yuji, nobara, and nitta-san.

"a funeral?" yuji asked. "is this the home of the acquaintance?" nobara asked. "yes it is... well this sucks. he died the same way the other three did. he lived with his family so there was no auto-locking door, but he was killed in front of the entrance." nitta spoke to us. "previously, upon returning home alone, he reported: 'the door was unlocked but it wouldn't open' to his other family members."

We made our way to a school, nitta-san, nobara, and yuji walked ahead. megumi was behind.

"there goes our lead..." nitta said tiredly. "don't worry! i'm sure they'll be something in this middle school." yuji said with his hands in his pockets. "i sure hope so." she replied with her arms slumped.

"for now, i've secured an appointment with a teacher, so i'm counting on you." she said.

"roger." yuji replied. while walking in we saw two teens laying on the ground burning off a cigarette. "there's some obvious punks. let's beat em up and set em straight!" nobara said while running towards them and pointing.

"why?" yuji and i said at the same time. "huh?" both males said while staring at us, they quickly stood straight and bowed at us... well at least yuji and nobara thought they did. "i-it's good to see you!" they said. i looked around and then saw megumi... he was looking off to the side trying to hide his face. "they seem utterly terrified megumi." i teased while poking his cheek.

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