Chapter 7: We're Claimed By The Impossible

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"Who are the Hunters of Artemis?" I asked.

"The Maiden Huntresses, who follow Artemis, hunting monsters with her," Dad said. "They take a vow of maidenhood and are given semi-immortality. They only die if they break their vow or fall in battle."

"When you say maiden, you mean those who identify as female right?" Aidan asked.

"Yes," Dad said. "Others than a few males. Me, the original giant, Orion, and Hippolytus."

"Did you like reject love or something?" I asked.

"I swore on the River Styx to never love anyone else the way I loved-," Dad stopped. "Never mind. The point is that I was a Hunter of Artemis, and I haven't seen them in so long. I missed them, especially, Snow, my dear wolf."

"Is she why you were so sad every winter and you cried?" I asked.

"I didn't cry," Dad said. "I was sweating through my eyes."

Aidan and I snorted. "Yeah, right."

"Anyway," Dad said. "I want you to meet her."

Dad led the way as we walked up to meet the Hunters by the Big House. A girl with eyes the color of cocoa powder, skin the color of copper, a circlet of silver braided into her hair,  and a nose that was slightly upturned. She resembled a Persian princess.

"Orion," The girl said.

"Zoë," Dad said.

Dad walked forward with his arms open like he wanted a hug. Instead of hugging him, Zoë grabbed his hand and judo-flipped him over her back like there was no tomorrow. She then took out a silver knife and put the point to Dad's throat.

"I told thee," Zoë said to Dad. "No hugs. EVER."

Dad chuckled. "Yep, that's definitely Zoë Nightshade. Now, can you help me get up? You broke my back. Again."

Zoë reached out her hand and pulled Dad to his feet. In that instant, Dad changed from his muscular 35-year-old self to a much younger version.

"Dad?" I asked. "What happened to you? Why are you like this?"

"It's still me," Dad said in a squeaky, 12-year-old boy voice. "The Gods gave the gift of changing my age and body based on the age. I aged yearly to give you two a somewhat normal life. When I was with the Hunters, I was always in my 12 years form, because when you're a Hunter, you get eternal youth and semi-immortality."

"Anyways," Dad continued. "Kids, this is Zoë Nightshade, Lieutenant Hunter, Second-in-Command to Lady Artemis. Zoë, you know who they're."

"Indeed," Zoë, studying us. "Thou were only babies when I met thee the first time, 12 years ago. Thou look exactly like thy mother."

"Who is our mom?" Aidan asked. "Also, why are you talking like that?"

"Thy mother..." Zoë said, glancing at Dad.

He gave a small shake of his head, looking quizzical.

"Never mind," Dad said. "Zoë, where is Snow?"


A wolf whiter than wintery snow was running up to Dad at full speed.

Dad smiled.

"Snow!" He shouted joyfully. "I'm so happy to see you!"

He bent down on one knee in the grass and opened his arms, as if ready to hug Snow. Instead of barking or wagging her tail, Snow ran and sunk her fangs into Dad's right shin. It looked like it hurt. Like, a lot. He had a scar running from his down and around his leg ending at his shin. He had said that it was from a Cyclops attack.

Twins of the Hunt - Book 1: The Golden Hind ✔️Where stories live. Discover now