Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Before this story begins, there are a few things I want to say:

1. I will try to update on this story daily, or at least weekly. It depends on how busy I am and school.

2. Japan in this story is the female neko (cat) version. If you don't feel comfortable with that, please don't read this!

3. The cover art for this story is by me. Please DO NOT repost, trace, or use it!

4. If you have suggestions as to what should happen in this story, leave them in the comments! I will read them and will put them in the story if I choose to (nothing inappropriate please!).


11/24/2022 — 1st in #japanxsouthkorea

12/26/2023 — 1st (again) in #japanxsouthkorea

5/23/23 — 1st in #countryhumansjapan

8/11/23 — 1st in #canadaxukraine

Thanks for reading, enjoy the story! :D


Japan grabbed her bookbag from the chair, shoving a few snacks inside in case she got hungry later. She had already gotten dressed, choosing a red sweater, black ripped jeans, and her favorite pair of white sneakers. Dashing back into her room, she grabbed some red ribbons from her vanity drawer and tied them onto her ears. Taking out her makeup, she hurriedly put on some simple eyeliner, mascara, and blush before slamming the drawer closed and taking the steps two at a time to get out the door. 

On her way down, she nearly crashed into her brother, Mongolia. "Woah!' he cried. "Sorry, Mon. I'm late!" Japan yelled as she snatched her keys from the trinket dish. "Oh, see you later then!" "Bye!" she yelled, scrambling into her car. Tossing her purse and bookbag into the passenger seat, she started the car and sped off. She got to the campus just in time, and she slung her bag over her shoulder and sped inside just before the first bell rang. A wave of students crashed into the hallway, a mixture of all kinds of languages swirling around. Japan nervously kept to the side of the hallway, looking at her schedule to avoid glancing at the passing faces. Her phone buzzed, and she pulled it out to see a notification from Taiwan, her other brother.

>Everything ok?

>I'm good. I gotta go

>Good luck! :D


Japan quickly looked at her schedule. She had English first, for both homeroom and for first period. She found the correct classroom and hesitantly stepped inside. The countries sitting at the desks were busy chatting to one another, exchanging greetings and even phone numbers for some. Japan found an empty desk near the front of the room. Sitting down, she took out her phone and went on her socials and waited for class to start. 

"Hey!" she heard someone say in front of her. "I'm Canada." He had on a strange sort of hat a red-checked flannel. "My name's Japan." "You're the new kid, right?" he asked, taking a seat in the desk to her left. "Yeah." Japan opened her mouth to ask about how the schedule worked, when the teacher walked in. "Hi, class." The teacher sipped some coffee from a blue mug. "Ah, I see we have our new student!" Japan felt her face warm in embarrassment. "Would you mind saying a few things about yourself?" Japan stood, careful to choose her words. "My name's Japan. I like manga, anime, spicy food, and I'd love to make some new friends here!" She saw a few countries whispering and giggling in the back. She sat back down, placing her hands in her lap. Then, class began.


At lunch, Japan got a salad with her favorite toppings and some flavored water. Picking up her tray, she ventured off into the dining area to find a free table. Glancing around, she saw that every table was full. She recognized Canada from earlier, and they made eye contact. Canada waved her over, and Japan rushed to sit down, smiling happily. "Everybody? Meet Japan." Canada said, smiling at the group of countries gathered around. "Hello," she said quietly, opening her salad container. "This is America, Australia..." He went around the table and introduced each country, and they all exchanged a greeting with Japan. 

Japan ate her salad, laughing at a few jokes that Australia and America were cracking. They made a great comedic duo! As they were leaving, Canada walked up to Japan. "May I have your phone number?" "Oh, sure!" she said, fumbling with her phone. She added the contact, and then hurried off to her next class. What was that about?  Japan thought to herself. Her next class was math, one of her weaker subjects. She was able to handle the work, and thankfully there were countries from her lunch table there too. 

At the end of class, she saw three countries come up to her. "Uh, hi!" Japan said. they stared her down, unmoving. "I wouldn't get too comfortable with America," one of them said. "He's not your friend."  He had a very fluffy hat with earflaps on, and he kept looking her up and down. "B-but, I just met him!" she stammered, nervousness leaking into her voice. "Stay away from him. If not..." He cracked his knuckles, and Japan swallowed. She quickly gathered her things and dashed out of the room, luckily finding Canada waiting for her by her locker. 

"Who's the guy in the fluffy hat?" she asked him. "Oh, that's Russia. He's a pretty rude person. Why?" "He told me to stay away from America." Japan clutched the strap of her bookbag, something she did when she was nervous. "Oh, don't worry about it. You'll be safe with us." Canada said, winking at her. Japan grinned, and headed off to her next class.


Thanks for reading the first chapter! I hope you guys like it so far :)

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