Chapter 2

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Surprise! I had extra time to write another chapter or two ;)


After the final bell had rung, Japan stood at her locker putting her brand-new textbooks into place. She made a mental note to bring some decorations like stickers and such for it at a later time. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to find three female countries she had never seen before standing in front of her.

The one in the middle had a yellow-and-blue flag, and a flower crown of real flowers adorning her head. "Hey, new girl." Japan smiled. New potential friends! "Hi! I'm Japan." The group exchanged a look. The country who had spoken took a step forward. "We're not looking to get friendly with you." Japan's smile faded. "I'm Ukraine. These two are Belarus and Bulgaria." They nodded. "I rule this school. Prove that you're worthy to us, we'll let you into our group. If better stay out of our way." "What do you mean by 'worthy'?" Japan asked quietly, closing her locker. "You'll see. Come on, girls." Ukraine turned and strutted away. "Oh, and I would choose some better hobbies other than reading weeaboo comics for starters." She said over her shoulder, looking her up and down before turning away. Japan felt red-hot anger surging within her.  

She grabbed her car keys and began making her way to her car.


At home, she found Taiwan making her favorite meal in the kitchen. "Hey! How was your first day?" Japan smiled. "It was okay. I was pretty nervous all day, but I did end up making some friends!" And some enemies, she thought to herself. She took a seat at the dinner table. "It's almost ready," Taiwan said, arranging the food on a fancy plate. "Where's Mongolia?" Japan asked, placing her bag beside her chair. "He's out running an errand. He'll be back soon."

A few minutes later, they were digging into a delicious meal of sushi. "Have any homework?" Taiwan asked when they were finished, placing down his chopsticks. "Yeah. It's pretty easy stuff, though." Japan took out her phone. It was close to 6 PM. She gathered her things, and went up to her room. She sat down at her desk and began working on her homework. It was for English, and it was just a simple poetry excerpt she had to read and answer questions on. She soon found herself getting tired as the hours continued to get longer, and she fell asleep. 


The next morning, Japan sat in homeroom, waiting for Canada to arrive. She recognized Ukraine and her girlfriends from the day before sitting in the back in the classroom, flirting with some of the countries near them. Japan's phone buzzed. It was a text from Canada.

>I'm gonna be a little late this morning. I ride with America and Australia and America thought it would be a great idea to get a coffee before school :/

>You're good!

Sure enough, Canada was late, holding two coffees. "I got you one, too," He said, handing one of the coffees to Japan. She thanked him and took a sip. It was super sweet, just how she liked it. Class went by super slowly, and Japan found herself glancing at the clock every minute or so. At the end of class, Ukraine approached Canada, batting her eyelashes at him. "Hey," she said, adjusting her flower crown. "Hi, Ukraine. Need something?" He asked, zipping up his bookbag. Ukraine got closer to him. "Would you mind helping me with my homework tonight?" She said in a low voice. Canada's face reddened a little. "Uh, if you want me to." Canada glanced at Japan, who was very uncomfortable. "A-anyway, I gotta go, see ya." He grabbed his bag and motioned for Japan to follow him. Japan nodded. 

"What was that about?" She asked once they were out in the hallway. "Ukraine likes me a whole lot. One of her friends started a rumor that I had a crush on her, which isn't true." He replied, fidgeting with his bag strap. Japan nodded. They headed off to their next class together, history. 


At lunch, Canada pulled out a piece of notebook paper and a pencil. He drew five squares. Japan watched intently as she ate her packed lunch of leftover sushi from the day before. "These are the Five Lunch Tables of Atlas High." Canada began. He took a bite of his sandwich, then labeled one of the squares as The Popular Group. "The name is pretty much explanatory." He said, pointing at the table in the middle of the room. "They sit there, eat their lunch of basically just healthy food, and gossip about other countries. Everyone likes them." Japan saw Ukraine sitting there, along with a few countries from her classes. "Next is The Sports Group." He labeled the table to the right of the Popular Group. "Self-explanatory again. They play sports. Some people like them, some people don't." 

Australia chimed in. "Then you have us." He took the pencil and paper from Canada and labeled a table in the lower right corner as The Neutrals/The Fun Group. "They call us The Neutrals or The Fun Group because we just sit in the same spot everyday, but most people like us because if they want to go out or have someone over, it's us they talk to." Japan smiled. She fit right in at this table! "And then...there's the art kids and the band kids." He scribbled the words onto the paper and pointed to a table in the back corner. "They do their thing. Some people like them, some people don't. It's a 50/50." Japan liked music and art. She decided to spark up a conversation with one of them soon, even if it meant she would get made fun of.

"And finally, you have The Nerds." Australia pointed at an isolated table in the corner. "Not many people like them. But if you ask us, they're pretty cool people that aren't afraid to help you on something if you ask nicely." Japan nodded. "It's cool have you guys have a whole system," She said, closing up her lunch container.

"Yeah. It's been like this for a while, according to graduates." Canada said. The bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. Japan grabbed her things, and went to her locker to grab her textbooks. 


As Japan was passing by some empty classrooms at the end of the school day, she heard voices coming from one. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she went closer, trying to stay out of sight the best she could. "I thought you were helping me with homework." It was the voice of Ukraine. She instantly knew that Canada was in there, and they were most likely alone. "I am. You're wasting time." Canada replied. There was a little glass panel in the door, and Japan peeked in, staying low to the ground to avoid being seen. 

Canada was sitting on one of the desks, and Ukraine was extremely close to him, with her hands near his legs. "Come on, Nada," she said, letting her voice become low. "Just one little kiss before we start the next problem." She leaned forward. "I told you I interested in someone else!" he protested, gently pushing her away. "Not for long," Ukraine smirked. She grabbed Canada's shoulders and kissed him hard, and Japan looked away in discomfort. 

She turned on her heel and ran, upset by what she had seen. 

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