Chapter 16

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what's up y'all—EXAMS ARE OVERRRR✌️🎉

so—i've been struggling with what to write for the plot, but Alt_Art brought up a brilliant idea! thank you! i hope you all enjoy this chapter :)

also—warning for a few..."alluring"...jokes. if this makes you uncomfortable, please meet me back at the next chapter. if not, enjoy the chapter!


Slowly but surely, things began to get better. Everyone was either ramped up about winter break or stressed about exams. Japan herself was worried sick, both from exam stress and the Ukraine Incident. Everyone had (mostly) been surprised when Ukraine had made her return decked out in a thick crown of flowers and new clothes. Canada had taken a huge sigh of relief and he seemed to relax the day she came into the cafeteria for the first time in weeks. Australia, as always, began to tease. "Ah, happy your girlfriend's back—eh, mate?" "Shut up..." came the response, but the bright smile on his face told otherwise. Japan finally felt better too.  On the last week before exams, America slid a terribly home-made invitation to a Christmas party across the cafeteria table. Glitter spewed all over the place, but Japan took it with a smile. "I'll be there!" "Me too!" South agreed as he took his usual seat beside her. "Yessir..." America smirked, flipping his sunglasses down and reclining back a little. "I'm in for a fun ride that night..." Russia, who joined them some days, was flushing bright red. The whole table lapsed into an awkward silence. "Anyway," Australia said, clearing his throat. "I'm providing games this time. Mates—you're in for a fantastic treat!"


The night of the party, Japan pulled up to the house, which was so decked out in Christmas lights and ornaments that she was surprised the house hadn't caught fire yet. She knocked, and Canada opened the door. "Oh. Hi." Things had been awkward between them since the night of Canada's confession. "Hi." "Come in." She did so, balancing the tray of cookies she had baked as she put down her purse. Australia was busy in the kitchen stacking dinner plates, and other countries were helping set the table and decorate a little more. Japan scanned the crowd for South, then found him at the same corner he had been at the first time they met. A gigantic Christmas tree stood beside his setup, casting a warm glow on his face. "Hi, darling." he said, and, checking to make sure no one was looking, gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "Hi." she returned it, smiling.

Other countries began to fill into the house, including Belarus and Bulgaria. "Hey girls!" Japan said with a big wave. "Hi!" "Where's the mistletoe?" Bela asked with a teasing smirk. "I knew I heard Australia saying—" "SHUSH." Japan whispered loudly, hoping South didn't hear. "Never." Australia was nearly done with preparations at this point and was greeting everyone and taking bags and coats. "Where's America and Russia?" Japan inquired quietly when he came to her. "Watch this," he mumbled with a wink. He then grabbed a broom leaning against the wall and banged it against the ceiling a few times. "OI! You two better not be grinding up there!" he yelled. The chatter in the room became dead silent, and with a loud clatter, the two appeared at the bottom of the steps, red-faced and sweaty. "Now that we have everyone here," Australia began, casting a glare at the them. "Let's party!" There was delicious food that Japan had later found out that Ireland had made himself—beef stew, soda bread, and something called "boxty". Drinks were served, some alcoholic, some not. Glancing over, she noticed Russia had downed several vodka bottles and was now just starting to feel the effects.

South stayed glued to Japan's side as they ate, quietly talking about colors and music and school and things. She was hardly paying attention as he began launching into the way his sound system worked—all she could focus on were his lips and how soft they must be. As soon as the last country finished around 8:00 PM, Australia decided to bring out the first game—a single deck of index cards. "Everyone who wants to play: come and sit in a circle here in the den!"  There was a bit of a stampede, and soon at least twenty countries were gathered around him as he shuffled the cards in the middle of the circle. "I remember this one from last time!" America slurred. "He's a bit drunk..." South muttered. "Maybe he's had too many vodka-flavored kisses," Bela whispered to Japan, giggling. "Mates—welcome to...Dare or Dare." Japan, who wasn't used to party games, leaned over to South. "Isn't there a truth too?" "Not in his book," his eyes flicked up to Australia, who had a crazed look on his face. "Ireland, mate, start us off with a bang." He tossed a card at Ireland, who had turned his paperboy cap backwards for the occasion. He caught it, then read it aloud: "Drink a whole shot of Russia's strongest vodka without spitting it out. You know the deal, lad, hook me up." Russia, who has been disrupted in a cuddling session with America, slid a bottle across the hardwood floor at him. Someone provided a shot glass—and Ireland completed the dare smoothly, though his eyes were watering from the effort.

Sakura School Days (Countryhumans Neko Japan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin