Chapter 9

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it seems that a few of you are slowing catching on to where this story is going....>:)

without further ado, I present to you....Chapter 9, aka Revenge Plan.


Japan was ready for anything at this point. She had already arrived at the pizza buffet, and was eagerly awaiting the arrival of her newfound friends. They finally came, and Japan waved them over to her booth. "Hi," Bulgaria said shyly, placing her handbag beside her. "Hello." Japan smiled. "I'm excited for this, I don't come here often." Belarus grinned as she slipped into the seat beside Aria. Bela was actually a big extrovert, and could scarcely be alone without going stir-crazy. When the waiter came around for drinks, Japan got raspberry flavored water, Belarus got strawberry soda, and Bulgaria simply went with a cola. "What's up?" Bela asked, leaning forward in her seat. 

Japan took a sip from her water, the sweetness from it lingering. "What's up with Ukraine? Has she always been like this?" Bela's smile instantly faded, and she and Aria exchanged an "uh-oh" look. Bela, being the more sociable of the two, took a deep breath before beginning to speak. "Ukraine wasn't always like this. Aria and I grew up with her, and we've been friends since the 3rd grade. Ukraine used to be a nice person who wasn't afraid to speak to you, no matter who you were." Bulgaria nodded along, confirming the statement. "In the middle of our 7th grade year, she flat-put disappeared. We don't have much knowledge about what happened to her. Anyway, she came back a totally changed person, and the friends she had made so quickly began to distance themselves from her due to bullying and bad treatment." Bela took a quick glance around before leaning in closer. "We think it has something to do with her father, Soviet. Russia is Ukraine's older brother if you didn't know, so some of this info we found out from him." She said in a low voice. "When Ukraine would come over to spend the night or if we went to her house, she would have these awful, wake-up-screaming-type nightmares that would scare Aria and I to death. In those dreams, she would yell: 'Please, Dad! Don't hurt me! Please don't!' She also has some peculiar scars on her arms that she covers up with all those designer clothes. They look like wounds that were made with a sharp tool. It's pretty scary to think about." Bela's eyes were wide, and Bulgaria sat in the corner of the booth, nursing her drink. 

Japan blinked a few times. The information was hard to process. "She would be really mad if she  found out we told you all this," Bulgaria said in a quiet voice. "I'm honestly tired of her treatment. I want the old Ukraine back." Belarus nodded before saying, "I agree. I'm starving, let's get some food!" They all got up from the table and grabbed the cards, ceramic plates from the buffet bar.

Soon, they were back at their table, enjoying their favorite pizza slices. "You guys might not like what I'm going to say, but I think I have an idea on how to get 'the old Ukraine' back." Japan said, hiding a grin as she bit into her pizza. Belarus's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Tell us!" "I got all this stuff from the store today. Like, scissors and permanent markers." Belarus was grinning widely now, and a tiny smirk was tugging at Bulgaria's lips. "I say we take the makeup for ourselves, even though that's not what Ukraine would want." Bela said confidently. "Good idea," Japan nodded as she took a sip of her water. "Since the Cosmetics Club—" "I never wanted to be in that stupid club anyway," Belarus interrupted, "Anyway, the club's meeting in tomorrow, how about we put the plan in full gear then?" 

"What's the plan?" Bulgaria asked softly. Japan pulled out her notebook, opening it to the page of the plan. "This is how it works." She walked both of them through, and it seemed to click pretty well. "This is awesome!"  Belarus gasped. "Yeah," Bulgaria mumbled. "I'm good with if you guys are," she added. "Of course! I'm so excited," Belarus exclaimed. "Sure thing!" Aria smiled. "Okay. Let's do this!" Japan declared. "I have another step for the plan," Belarus announced before Japan put her notebook away. "I'm good friends with Russia. He has told me that Ukraine goes out to get lunch almost every day. If we go to their house at that time, we can go ahead and get the plan started. We'll tell him we're setting up." "That's a great idea!" Japan grinned, adding to the Plan. "Thanks guys." "No problem!" they said, almost in unison. They split the bill for the meal, then headed their separate ways.

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