Chapter 10

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hiiiiii! so much stuff has been happening in life and it's been hard for me to write—but I'm back now! hope your day has been good so far <3


Japan led the way to her house, nervousness rippling through her. She was worried of what Taiwan would think of them, and if they would like what she and her brothers were having for dinner. "My brother is kind of overprotective. First impressions are super important around him." Belarus nodded. "I'll try," she said with a wink. Bulgaria just grinned slightly. Japan led her new friends inside. "Taiwan?" She called as she took off jacket and threw it onto the back of the couch. "I'm here!" came the reply from the kitchen. 

"I brought friends," Japan mumbled, fidgeting with the heart charm on her necklace. Taiwan placed the rice pan down on a trivet and spun to face her. "Who are they? Are they good people? Where did they—" Japan answered the barrage of questions and introduced him to Belarus and Bulgaria. "Hello," Belarus said politely. She shook his hand. "Hi," Bulgaria said, her soft voice barely audible. "I hope you like popcorn shrimp," Taiwan said as he made his way back to the kitchen. He started setting the table, even using placemats. Belarus and Bulgaria took a seat at the table, one excitedly talking Taiwan's ear off about school and the other looking down at her shoes. Japan placed the dishes piled high with food on the table, and soon everyone dug in.

"Where's Mongolia?" Japan asked, stirring her rice. "He's working the night shift today. The guy who usually does it got sick." Japan nodded and glanced up at her friends. They were both eating good portions of the food. Japan smiled to herself, and continued eating.


Later, Japan guided them up to her bedroom. "It's a little weird," she sighed, looking away. "It's okay!" Bela grinned, and Aria just nodded. "Woah," Belarus exclaimed. Her eyes scanned the posters on the wall. "I love that anime!" She gasped, pointing at one. "I watched it in secret and I've been wanting to talk to someone about it!" 

Japan felt herself smiling. "Want to?" "Sure!" While they talked, Japan grabbed a pack of cards from one of her vanity drawers. She held them up, a smug look on her face. "Wanna play?" "Sure!" Bela replied with a smirk. They al sat cross-legged on the floor, waiting eagerly for the game to begin. Bulgaria had a mischievous look in her eyes as Japan dealt out the cards. "Uno?!" Bela laughed. "We never did stuff like this when Ukraine was around!" "I only played it once before," Bulgaria said timidly. "I'm a mean player, though." "We'll see about that!" Japan grinned. They talked about school as they played (and of course, lots of questions were asked about Japan and South Korea's relationship) and a future "girl's day". In the end, Bulgaria won, just as she said she would. Belarus swore and threw down her cards. Aria giggled, handing her cards back to Japan to clean up. 

"So," Belarus began. "When are you and South gonna kiss?" "W-what?!" Japan nearly dropped the cards. "You know..." Bela winked. "Why do you want to know?" Japan asked, averting her eyes. "No reason. Just so we can tease you!" She said with a giggle. Bulgaria lightly punched her arm. "Thanks for dinner. We gotta get home," Bulgaria said after a while of gossiping and story-telling later. "No problem! See you later!" Japan followed them downstairs, where they also thanked Taiwan for the meal. Japan waved as they left, smiling. "They seem like nice girls," Taiwan commented as she came back inside. "They're great! We played Uno," Japan said absently, hopping he wouldn't ask anymore questions. "That's good," Taiwan said, going back to typing on his laptop. Spared, Japan went back upstairs.

She had left her phone on her dresser, and she was surprised to see many missed calls from South Korea. She anxiously called him back, trying not to worry too much. "H-hello!" "Japan!" Came the yell from the other end of the phone. Japan flinched and held it away from her ear. He sounded excited, not worried. "I-I just got tickets to go to a show on Saturday night! I won them on a bet! you want to go? Just me and you?" Japan felt her face warm. A show? What kind? And...just me and South? "YES!" "Perfect! It's a dinner show, so we get to eat while we watch people perform on stage. It's at 5:00 PM. I'm so excited!" "Me too!" "I'll see you soon. Bye." "Bye!" Japan hung up and out her phone down, grinning widely. It was going to be her first date. 


sorry this chapter is so short. I'm feeling pretty unmotivated, and life is SUPER stressful at the moment. I have recently wrote another story, The Bookmark. It's a about two lesbians that slowly fall in love <3

if you're interested, be sure to check it out in my profile! anyway, I'll try to get the next chapter posted when I'm ready.  have a great day friends :)

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