Chapter 15!

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I HAVE FINALLY RETURNED!! it has been a wild, WILD journey for the past few months (if you haven't already, please check comment on the last announcement to see details). i've missed writing a lot, so i'm glad to finally be able to again :)

let's get going, shall we? time for a bit of a switch up in my writing—pov style!

(btw: plot line's missing, sorry😭)




Ukraine, meanwhile, had been hiding out in her family's vacation home two towns over. It had plenty of food and other necessities, and most importantly, shelter. She had turned off her location and had refused to eat or drink, only sleeping most of the time. She was in terrible pain, mentally and physically. Her mind was racing, thought after thought coursing wildly. After the first four days of staying there, she finally felt well enough to drag herself out of bed and eat and drink. She slowly got a bit of her strength back, and finally felt a bit motivated to do something. When she arrived, the room she would usually stay in was messy. Suddenly inspired, she decided to tidy up a bit. 

While gathering up old clothes and other things, she discovered an old, gray hoodie from times of the past: Canada's favorite. It had been his, the hockey logo long since worn off. Surprised, Ukraine took a deep inhale of the fabric. It smelled like him. Still. She absently pulled it on, and kept working through the pile. Outgrown shirts, too-short pants, even a few wilted flower crowns. She then got to work cleaning the floor, something she wasn't good at since she had never really attempted it—her father's servants did that job. As she was scrubbing, a shoebox under the bed caught her eye. She placed her washcloth aside and dragged it out. It was very dusty, of course, and it was a pale shade of pink. It had felt a little heavy, and she gasped when she opened it up. Inside were pictures—dozens of them—all taken on a polaroid camera. She took them out one by one and arranged them on the bedspread, quietly letting tears roll down her face. They were pictures of her and Canada, of her and her siblings, and even pictures of her with her father. She assumed they had been taken on her camera, even though she had no memory of doing so. She missed Canada so, so much. Yes, she hadn't been good to him—or her other friends for that matter, really. 

There were more things in the shoebox, though: drawings Canada had made for her, dried-up flowers, and a locket. She was most interested in the locket. It was gold, and it had rusted almost completely. She felt the chain, which was nearly broken, and breathed in a tinge of coppery scent. The charm itself was circular, and had a tiny "U" carved into it. She had also known who made it for her—Canada. He had once wanted to pursue jewelry making, but, in his own words, "It's not manly enough for my parents to approve."

She was sobbing now, and she let the necklace slide through her fingers onto the floor with a clatter. Why did it have to hurt so bad? Why didn't he love her anymore? Countless thoughts began to race, and she soon fell asleep from exhaustion. 

When she woke up, the sun was just beginning to set. Hues of red and orange splashed the sky, and all Ukraine could think about was her friends, and Canada, and how badly she wanted to speak to them after considering her actions. "Think before you speak," and "Treat others the way you want to be treated", her father had said. Will do, she thought, will do.




Japan had been laying in bed for quite a while when she heard a knock on her door. "Japan?" "Mmm." "It's Mon. Do you wanna talk about it?" She opened her eyes. "Not really." "It's not gonna help if you keep it bottled in like that." She sat up now, and blinked a few times. She hesitated before saying, "Please come in." Mongolia entered the room, a slight smile playing at his lips. "First question," he began, taking a seat in her desk chair. "Who beat you up?" Japan's eyes widened. "A girl. I made her mad." "And how—and why—did you do that?" She avoided his eyes. "It's a long story." "Tell me later." "Okay." 

A beat of silence passed between them, and Japan lay back. "It's been a little tough lately." she muttered. Mongolia smiled. "I understand. I hate saying this, but I was your age at some point. Bleh, that sounds like something Taiwan would say..." he fake-shuddered, and Japan laughed a little. He leaned back in the chair. "Alright—tell me about South Korea." Japan sat up, a little too quickly. " do you know?!" Her eyes were wide. "Coworker. His brother, North Korea." Mongolia smirked a little. " this South Korea a good kisser?" Japan's face flushed, and she hid her face in her hands. "Mon! I-I don't know yet...we...we barely even have gotten to know each other, just stop—" He tilted his head back and laughed. "Okay, okay. Taiwan doesn't know yet, if that's what you're worried about." "It is." "Well, the more you keep it hidden, the worse it gets." More silence. Japan swallowed. "How did you even find out from him, though?" Mongolia rolled his eyes. "Who, North? He's a talker. Once he gets started, you can't turn him off. He brought up the topic of siblings." Japan exhaled with relief, then fell back onto her pillow. Mongolia stood up and stretched his arms, yawning. "I'm a bit tired, so I'll leave you alone now. But I definitely wanna meet your boyfriend soon," he said with a wink, then left. 

Excited, Japan rolled over and grabbed her phone. She sent a quick text to South explaining what Mon had said. He sent back a text filled with heart emojis, a good sign. She placed her phone back on the nightstand to charge, then burrowed under the covers to sleep.




Ukraine arrived back at home the very next morning. She unlocked the door and stepped in to find Russia and her father sitting around and talking. They both turned to look at her as she came in. "You're..." Russia started, putting down his drink. "You're back." "...Yes." she answered finally, glancing at her father. He remained stoic as always, but looked her up and down. "Thanks for coming back to us." She didn't know how to take this. She stood in silence for a moment before turning on her heel and marching straight upstairs. Her mind was ablaze. Too many thoughts. 


hey y'all

i'm nearly insane this week, and i have exams soon. the next chapter will be more positive!!

i've also not had time to spell and grammar check this chapter, so i'm sorry for any mistakes!

good luck with exams y'all, peace out✌️


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