Chapter 12

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hi. I'm unmotivated. I'm going to try and write this chapter the best I can. life is super stressful at the moment and I don't really have the time (and I don't feel like) writing a lot. this is an attempt to get the plot moving. have a great day :>


Japan, Belarus, and Bulgaria had been successfully kicked from the cosmetics club. Ukraine had since blocked their numbers and refused to talk to them. She only had one flower crown left: the sunflower one she was wearing before she returned home the day of the prank. Japan had been dreamily thinking about her date with South when her phone buzzed. It was a text in the shared group chat with Belarus and Bulgaria.

>beladoesstuff: GUYS LOOK

>beladoesstuff sent an image.

The picture was of the post Bela had made on her secret account, showing Ukraine's journal. The post had blown up, with many likes, comments, and shares. 

>beladoesstuff: IT BLEW UP

>CinnamonButter: It did! What do the comments say?

>sakura16: that's a lot of comments...

>beladoesstuff: basically how funny it was and how pissed Ukraine would be to find out that we posted it

>sakura16: no one has, right?

>beladoesstuff: I don't think so

>CinnamonButter: Lots of people know that it was us now, Canada included

>CinnamonButter: I think he's kinda proud to be honest

The conversation ended there. Japan was about to shut her phone off and find something else to do when it buzzed again. It was a message from Ukraine. Japan inhaled sharply, perspiring herself.

>raineydayz: meet me in the park when you can. I want to talk about something

>sakura16: okay

No. No, no, no. Not this...She would go after lunch.

>sakura16: is 12:00 okay?

>raineydayz: sure

After a few hours of painful waiting, Japan was finally ready to leave. Both Taiwan and Mongolia wouldn't be home until later that night because they were going to attend a birthday party for one of their friends. She revved her car engine, then drove herself to the park in complete silence. To her dismay, she arrived ten minutes late, and she nearly forgot to put the car in park as she zoomed in on two wheels. After a few minutes of panicked searching, she finally found Ukraine sitting on a park bench by herself, people-watching. She had her arms folded to keep out the wind chill.

"Hi," Japan said. "Hi. Sit," said Ukraine, gesturing to the empty spot beside her. The silence was very loud. "Sooooo..." Ukraine began, turning to look at her. "I found out about the post that Bela put on her social media." Japan's stomach dropped. She clenched her hands to stop them from trembling. " did you find out?" "My sweet Maple." Canada! That little traitor! "B-but he doesn't like—" Ukraine cut her off, holding up a hand. "I don't want to hear it. He told me everything. He said that Russia knew something too, but of course my idiot older brother kept his mouth shut to please Dad."  Japan watched as the flower-wearing country blinked back tears. "I know I'm a disappointment," she sniffled. "I know I am!" Her voice crescendoed, getting louder with each word. "'s alright," Japan began quietly. "I know how it feels. My older brother, Taiwan, he—" "I don't want to hear about you or your family!" Ukraine yelled. She stood up suddenly, making her purse fall onto the concrete sidewalk.

(***)"This is all your fault!" She roared, grabbing Japan and pulling her forward by the shirt collar. "if you hadn't shared my private journal with everybody to see, Canada and Russia and Belarus and Bulgaria and a lot of other people wouldn't know what I said about them!" "I-I'm sorry!" Japan stuttered. Tears were flowing down Ukraine's face now, faster than she could stop them. "Dad wouldn't have seen it either, and he wouldn't disapprove of me dating my Canada! He hates me even more now!" Ukraine shook Japan, never releasing her grip. "All. I. Want. Is. To. be. HAPPY!" The final word came out as a wailing, hysterical scream. "I hate you!" Ukraine yelled, and suddenly she was drawing her fist back. "I-I don't want to do this to you,'s f-for the best."  

Her fist connected with Japan's lips, and she quickly tasted blood. Japan had never wanted to "throw hands", as America called it, in her life, but now something new was blossoming in her. Anger, red-hot and fiery. Japan seized Ukraine's wrist and dug her sharp nails into it as hard as she could, making Ukraine lose her grip. Japan stood up and decided to break one of her brothers' very important rules: "Never use your Martial Arts skills in less you are deep trouble."  It was a terrible decision, one that she made quickly, and one she would regret later. But, nevertheless, she was in deep trouble. Within seconds, Japan used her right foot to trip Ukraine, pushing her forcibly backward. Ukraine grunted as she fell to the concrete, new wounds beginning to form on her palms and face. Japan used  her body weight to pin her down and served a strong punch to her right eye. Ukraine clutched a hand to her quickly swelling eye and tried to roll back over, but couldn't. 

"Please!" The cry was full of pain and desperate. Japan halted her next punch she was about to throw. She glanced down, finding that her sweater was covered in crimson rivulets of her own blood. The metallic taste was still in her mouth, and she looked down to see Ukraine's bruised eye brimming over with tears. Japan slowly got off of her and wiped her mouth, which was continuing to pour red. "I'm sorry," she said, quickly gathering her things. "Forgive me." Ukraine was sobbing again, and Japan hurried to her car and drove off.  as soon as she got home, she took the steps two at a time and threw herself onto her bed, crying with guilt and pain. She wanted to see South more than anything now. She yearned for his touch, his soothing voice telling her the colors of song. 

It would be a while, she somehow knew. After a few minutes of crying, she dragged herself up and into the bathroom to clean her wounds: a split lip and a bloodied nose she didn't remember getting. 


12/10/22 UPDATE: HI! my old Jiu Jitsu skills are finally coming in handy for a good "fight" scene >:3

I got a new backlit keyboard that I'm obsessed with and that means I don't have to use my phone to write anymore. And: my Christmas Break is coming up, so I'm gonna be a writing machine for at least a few weeks now.

ALSO: This story is not meant to cause insult or harm to anyone from or in Ukraine, considering the current circumstances. I've had this story in my head for a while now, and I wanted to see a change in Ukraine's usually "shy" personality depicted in other stories. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused to any of you.

Anyway, hope you have a great rest of your morning/day/night!


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