Chapter 4

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this chapter has got a lot of cringy ship fluff for you guys, hope ya like it <3


The party was the most chaotic event Japan had ever been at. America, Australia, and Mexico had turned on the TV and started watching football, cheering loudly. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and the other Nordics were sitting in the corner of the dining room, platings cards and gambling over one of Sweden's console games. Ukraine (of course) flirted with Canada, holding his hand against his weak protests. Belarus and Bulgaria were gossiping, spreading rumors like wildfire. Russia and Germany were drinking like there was no tomorrow, refilling their cups and replacing their bottles in record time.

Japan stayed close to South Korea, who didn't mind her company. Every once in a while, South would lean over and tell Japan what colors he was hearing. Vermillion, lavender, mint green, and more, all from just a song. "I'm going to get a drink. Want one?" Japan asked during a break in the songs. "Sure! Can you get me a Pepsi?" "Will do." Japan smiled. She walked over to the drinks table, where Russia and Germany were betting on who could take the fastest shot. After pouring the drink, she turned around quickly, and slammed right into Ukraine, spilling the drink all over her.

"Hey!" Ukraine gasped, covered in the sticky liquid. "I-I'm so sorry!" Japan stuttered, quickly grabbing some napkins. Ukraine snatched them away and started wiping down her shirt. Russia was trying to hold in his laughter, and Germany was acting like he didn't see anything. "Apology NOT accepted," Ukraine scoffed, throwing the soda-soaked napkins at Japan. Japan hesitantly picked them up and tossed them in the garbage can. "Throw yourself in there while you're at it," she heard Ukraine mutter under her breath. 

Japan replaced the drink and walked back over to South Korea, who gladly accepted it. Japan sipped her own. It tasted sour. "What's wrong? You look distressed." South asked, removing his headphones. "Just a little spill, that's all," Japan said with a shrug. "Can I have your phone number?" The words were out of Japan's mouth before she could stop them. "Sure!" South Korea grinned, pulling out his phone. Numbers were exchanged, and Japan felt a little better. The Nordics had stopped gambling at this point and were now noisily arguing with each other. America had his sunglasses on and a bottle of alcohol in each hand, drinking them down while Australia, Mexico, and New Zealand were shouting "Chug! Chug! Chug!" Canada, Russia, and Germany had started chucking paper plates at Ukraine, Belarus, and Bulgaria, screaming "your mom" jokes as they threw them. 

"This is getting out of hand," South Korea noted, turning to Japan. "What do you say we do something different?" Japan nodded as South slipped his headphones back on. He selected a slow song, announcing to the wild room: "Alright everyone! It's time for the couple slow dance~!" Japan felt her face warm as South made eye contact with her. Ukraine dashed over to Canada, seizing him by the wrists and pulling him close. America scooted over to Russia with a perky grin on his face, raising his eyebrows. Russia, his face bright red, swung at him with his vodka bottle, and America ducked. Japan felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned to see South Korea holding his hand out to her. Japan shyly took it, and he pulled her close, awkwardly putting a hand on her waist. They begin dancing to the song. "Light pink and maroon," South whispered to her. Japan clumsily tried to follow his movements, careful not to step on his feet.

Meanwhile, Canada caught sight of the two and broke apart from Ukraine, who yelled, "Come back, babe!" as he waltzed over to America. America was busy poking Russia in the ribs and attempting to steal his ushanka. "See?" Canada said, gesturing to Japan and South Korea smiling woozily at each other as they danced. America rose up his sunglasses to look. "Told ya she'd like him." Canada smirked. "Uh-huh. And I like someone, too," America grinned, flipping his sunglasses back down and making finger-guns at Russia. Russia scoffed and rolled his eyes, even though his cheeks were a little red. "Mind if I stay with you two? Ukraine's acting weird again." Canada asked, side-eyeing the country. "Sure thing." America nodded, grasping Russia's hand. 

The song ended sooner than Japan would've liked, and she and South stayed together for a few more moments before breaking apart. "Thanks." Japan whispered. South winked at her, putting his headphones on and cranking up the party music again.


Soon, countries began leaving. The Nordics left first, taking some of the food with them. Ukraine had Canada corned in the dining room, begging for goodbye kisses as his face reddened in embarrassment. Australia's and New Zealand were pestering Germany by playing catch with his satchel and reading through his work documents. Japan walked over to America, who was fixing himself a second round of pizza. "You want me to stay for the clean-up?" She asked. "You sure? That would be great, thanks." Japan nodded, and went back to South Korea, who was unplugging his speakers. "I'm staying for the clean-up. Anything you need help with?" "I'm good," South said, placing his headphones in a protective case. "I enjoyed the dance," Japan said, looking down at her feet. "I did too." He replied, smiling at her. "Japan!" America called from the kitchen. "Quit flirting and help us out here, would ya?" Japan blushed, earning a laugh from South Korea, and she turned to help America.

He and Mexico were gathering up the trash from the floor, and Japan helped out with the process. Russia gathered up all the drinks (especially the alcohol, and Japan didn't miss it when he swiped a bottle of whiskey from one of the cupboards in the kitchen) and put them back in his car. Ukraine, Belarus, and Bulgaria finally left, much to Canada's relief. "I never thought she would leave me alone," he said to America. He laughed. Mexico left, too, followed by New Zealand and Australia. Germany stumbled out the door, begging them for a ride because he was obviously too drunk to drive himself home.

"What about you, Russ?" America asked the taller country. "Aren't you too drunk, too?" "Never." Russia replied, taking a swig from a brand-new bottle. "You wouldn't mind staying over here for a nice sleepover...would you?" America giggled. Russia nearly choked on his drink, his eyes widening. "Fine." He mumbled. America grinned, elbowing his brother. Canada rolled his eyes. South Korea joined them, his laptop and music equipment in hand. 

Japan smiled at him, and gave him a quick hug before saying, "Thanks for everything." "Anytime." South nodded, returning the smile. Japan felt her heart flutter again. "Thanks for the party!" She told America and Canada as she walked to her car. Feeling happy, she turned the radio up and drove home, lighter than air.


it was so fun writing this chapter oh my goodness. big things are coming...stay tuned! :)

also for clarification purposes: Canada and America are brothers, and Canada is older.


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