Chapter 5

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hi hi ^^

hope you all are having a nice day!

anyway, you made it to chapter 5!! get ready for a little ship fluff and some pretty important plot related stuff  >:)

*note: "Ukraine and company" means Ukraine, Belarus, and Bulgaria. They travel as a group, so it's easier to call them that instead of listing them out lol*


"How was the party?" Taiwan asked as Japan put her keys in the trinket dish and her purse on the coat hook. "Good." Taiwan could be quite overprotective and a "helicopter parent", so Japan kept her mouth shut about exactly what happened. "Anyway, I'm pretty tired, so I'm going to go to bed now. Good night!" Before her brother could say anything else, Japan dashed up the stairs to her room and collapsed onto her bed. 

Her heart swelled with joy. It was a feeling she couldn't explain whenever she thought of South Korea, the smooth features of his face, his voice, the way he could hear colors. Japan sat up suddenly. If South Korea can hear colors, I wonder what color my voice is? I'll have to ask him when I get the chance, she thought. She lay back down, looking at the anime posters she had on the walls. Does he like anime too? What does he do in his free time? Japan rolled over, feeling tiredness consume her. She took off her sneakers and plugged her phone in to charge for the night. She took out her earrings and placed them on the night stand and burrowed over the covers. Just as she was about to fall asleep, her phone buzzed.

She picked it up, and she felt butterflies in her stomach when she realized it was a text from South Korea.

>Hi, sorry to bother you (and if I woke you up I'm sorry), but did you get home safely? I also wanted to thank you for hanging out with me tonight. I had a great time.

Japan closed her eyes and smiled, savoring the feeling of pure joy before responding back.

>yeah I'm good! I had a good time too :)

>Okay then. Good night! 

>Good night :)

Japan held in a happy scream to avoid alerting her brothers, who were still downstairs and probably studying or something. She put her phone away and dozed off, the feeling of happiness swelling in her heart.


On Monday, Japan was still in a good mood. She didn't even mind when Ukraine and company shouted insults at her as she walked down the hall. She sat down in homeroom and took out her homework, listening to the conversations of others as she did so. It seemed like Thanksgiving Break was all they could talk about. It was just a week away, but everyone already had big plans. Some countries were talking about the party, especially Australia and Canada. Class started uneventfully, and Ukraine kept biting her lip and winking at Canada.

At lunch, Japan got a sandwich and a peach flavored water before sitting down at her usual table. As she began eating, a familiar voice said, "Hey!" Japan looked up from her food to see South Korea holding a lunch tray with a cup of ramen and a bottled soda on it. "Hi!" Japan smiled, moving over to let him sit. "How's it going?" He asked as he peeled back the opening of the ramen cup. "It's good," Japan mumbled into her sandwich. "I like your earrings!" He said kindly, pointing to the little gold hearts in her ears. "Thanks!" Japan said, feeling her face heat a little. America plopped down in front of them, Russia following closely behind. Japan realized that Russia hadn't been as cold to her ask before.

"Hey South!" America grinned, grabbing some ketchup packets. "I knew you'd be here today." Russia slid closer to America, careful to not spill his drink. South smiled. Canada joined them at the table, out of breath. "Sorry I'm late, guys. Ukraine wouldn't leave me alone again." "She's really that dense, huh?" America asked, taking a sip of his soda. "I guess." Japan held in a giggle. She opened up her water, taking a long drink. As the other countries at the table seemed to be conversing elsewhere, she leaned over to South Korea, who was eating his ramen with a pair of chopsticks. "I have a question," she whispered. "What is it?" he asked, placing his chopsticks on a napkin. "What color is my voice?" He didn't hesitate. "Cherry blossom pink." Japan smiled. 

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