«The history of the hamster pants»

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No cuz I literally have the worst cramps right now 😔
Also, note to self:
Drumsticks will always beat knees in a fight 🙂


Wednesday, 6th October, 1983

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Wednesday, 6th October, 1983

After a twenty minute walk Kirk and I got back to their apartment, he fumbled in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a spare key, sliding it into the lock carefully it clicked and the door creaked open. He held it in place for me as I walked into the main area, he followed suit and closed the door behind us standing for a moment before stepping beside me scratching his cheek.

"So uh...you want something to drink?" He asked gingerly turning to face me

I smiled and looked down at my feet nodding

"Uh sure-"

He began to walk into the kitchen and I was unsure of what to do, follow him? Stand here and look like an idiot? But he cut me from my anxious thoughts

"What're you doin just standin round for?" He waved me over with his hand,

With a dumb grin on my face I proceeded and stood beside him as he rummaged through the refrigerator.

"Ok so...."
He started pulling out bottles

"We have beer, beer, beer, tap water, expired milk and...
"More beer."

I stifled a laugh and he stood up almost knocking his head on one of the shelves.

"Hey don't you laugh, you're lucky I'm even offerin after what you did with the last beer."

It took me a second to process his words realising he was talking about how I almost accidentally caused him to lose his hand, this however just made me giggle more and he couldn't stop the grin that took over his own face.

"Ok ok, what do ya want Nora?" He shook his head chuckling.
The use of my name made my heart race, I still wasn't used to hanging out with people, let alone a boy who wasn't a total dud. I tried to calm my nerves and keep my cool as I spoke.

"Hm so many options..."
I pretended to think about it earning a smile from him.
"Yeah I think I'll take a beer." I nodded making eye contact with him

"Wow, a lady of great taste I see." Kirk chuckled to himself humorously.
He reached in grabbing two beer bottles and I followed him as he made his way over to the counter, swiping a bottle opener from the surface and walking into the living room.

He dropped down onto the couch and I copied his movements laying back, thankful I was off my feet.

Kirk reached over using the bottle opener to crack the lids off of both beers, handing one to me

"Cheers" he smirked and I raised my bottle to met his with a clink, taking a large sip.

I sighed in content holding the cool liquid with both my hands as I lay my head back, closing my eyes.

"Creeping Death" A Kirk Hammett storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя