«Platonic with a capital P!»

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Thank you for 1k reads, I love y'all sm 😏
Also I'd like to mention, my Patrick Bateman impression is fucking impeccable
You should download Stats.fm (tells you ur Spotify stats) and you should 100% friend me
My user is "NotTomJustPetty" cuz I'm edgy or something 💀
(P.S, my music is rlly good...I swear)


Wednesday, 6th October, 1983

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Wednesday, 6th October, 1983

James had left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts which is probably not the greatest idea.

Hopping off the counter I opened up the bathroom door and shouted out down the hallway, my voice bouncing off of the walls in an echo.

"You guys mind if I take a quick shower!?"

"Only if I can join!" Cliff yelled back from god knows where making me roll my eyes

"In your dreams Sasquatch!" I called bringing my head back into the room and closing the door making sure to lock it behind me.

Turning around I quickly ridded myself of the top I had on, pulling it up over my head exposing my bare breasts.

Tossing the shirt on the floor I stepped closer to the mirror looking over my appearance in the reflection, I'd never really loved my boobs and I found it extremely hard to imagine why and how men went ape shit over them. I unbuckled my belt threading it out through the loops dropping it on the floor then bent over -unbuttoned, unzipped and stepped out of my jeans.

I looped my fingers through the waistband of my underwear and pulled it down to my ankles leaving me looking pretty naked with just my socks on, taking those off as well I turned the shower on, the cold water hitting my arm making me jump, waiting for it to warm up I decided to take the time to...snoop around.

Searching the cabinet above the sink; sleeping pills, Advil, A box of condoms, lube, cough syrup for children aged 6-12?
Nothing too unusual. I popped a squat down on the tiled floors pulling open the cupboard underneath the sink.

Jeez they are messy.

Empty beer cans and bottles, a cereal bowl being used as a makeshift ash tray, various bottles of nail polish, hair rollers? And stains I wanted to know nothing about.

Shaking my head I closed the cupboard doors and got back onto my feet suddenly feeling a wave of insecurity from my lack of clothing, I hopped into the shower and was immediately soothed by the warmth of the water. Closing the curtains I stood beneath the shower head letting the liquid run through my hair, down my body and pool at my feet until it was eventually swallowed by the drain.

I brushed my fingers through my hair slicking it back, my mascara probably running down my face by now.

I rubbed my eyes free of water and peered down at the mass of bottles on the floor: body wash, many many different shampoos and conditioners, purple shampoo? Children's 3 in 1. They were basically a group of 11 year old girls who had a strong alcohol tolerance.

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