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Happy New Years guys.
Hope you all had a great Christmas, I know I did.

Cant believe it's 2023, honestly really depressing lol. Growing up as a teen in the 20's is shit; I would've absolutely slayed in the 70's-90's if I'm really being honest.

I'm seriously losing my mind at the moment. I am convinced I'm slowly driving myself into insanity. Time, space, the universe, scientific explanations and the evidence to support those claims. None of it makes sense to me. Now I may only be 15 years old and I don't know Jack about anything but seriously, think about it...How? Nothing is fathomable. I'm not a huge scientific person, I'm not spiritual and I am absolutely not religious, I don't believe in anything, I believe in what I can see, hear, taste, touch and smell but that in no way means I don't dismiss the existence of things that one cannot prove aren't real. Do I need a therapist? Or am I just stupid?

Anyways 🕺🏻

Consider this my late Christmas gift to you...
A new chapter!


Wednesday, 6th October, 1983

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Wednesday, 6th October, 1983

"You played in Metallica right?" I gritted my teeth waiting for him to respond, whatever he would say would determine whether  I'd tell him who I was with or not.

"Yeah those good for nothing pieces of shit."

Great I thought to myself.

I cringed at his answer which he took note of

"What" his eyebrows knit together as he stared at me.

"Oh nothing...I saw them play recently and was wondering why there was a different guy on lead."
I trailed off. Coming up with excuses has always been one of my weaknesses, even worse yet was my ability to lie. It's not my fault, I just can't deal with confrontation.

He was silent, I could tell I'd pissed him off.

I sighed before saying
"It's totally ok if you don't want to talk about it I was just curious." I pursed my lips together hoping he couldn't see the sweat starting to accumulate on my forehead.


He took a long swig of his beer before finally replying

"Yeah well those arrogant assholes kicked me out and took all my material to use on their stupid album. Not even any fuckin credit."

"Aw shit man...hey, that really sucks." I gulped trying desperately not to sound insensitive.

He looked me over nodding slowly, a deep scowl still etched onto his face as he took another sip from the bottle.
He quickly swallowed the liquid.

"Even worse..." He had the bottle in hand whilst making gestures as he continued talking.
"No plane ticket, a bus ticket. They'd already replaced me before they booted me and it's all because I have a 'drinking problem' whatever that fuckin means." He air quoted the words "drinking problem" with a comically confused expression. He must have been pretty non-sober to be opening up about all of this to a total stranger who had literally just ruined his clothes.

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