1: The New Travelling Companion!

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In a snowy city known as Snowbelle City there was a small home on a snowy hill. Inside there was a woman making omelets.

"Nina!" She yelled up the stairs. Now she was angry she went into Nina's room, seeing her daughter still fast asleep she ripped off the blankets which woke her up.

"Why couldn't you wake me up NICELY?!!" Nina said angrily while trying to pull the blankets out of her mum's hands.

"You should be happy I told you in the first place cause the bus is going to be here very soon." Mum yelled. Nina suddenly got a shocked look on her face and immediately began to get dressed. She put on a pair of ripped jeans, then Nina pulled a pair of white socks on, after that Nina put on an orange t-shirt and a blue hoodie. She began to comb her long blonde hair then she tied it into a ponytail. While she was racing out of her room she grabbed her black logo cap and the black backpack where she kept her supplies. Then she raced down the stairs and quickly put on her pair of black High Tops. After having a quick breakfast. She raced to the front door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Her mum said, grinning and pointing at a sleeping Pokémon at the fireplace.

"Right Mum sorry," she went over to the Pokémon and woke it up..

"Togepi? Todays the day!" Nina said. The Pokémon jumped up as Nina returned it to its Pokeball. Then she walked over to her mum, giving her a hug she knew she would miss her the most.

"Now you be safe, and be sure to call me when you win your first gym badge Nina. And please stay on your toes. You're an intelligent young girl and you'll be a great Pokémon trainer. I'll miss you," she said, hugging Nina. Nina felt a tear touch her cap.

"Don't worry mum, I'll be fine," she said, before leaving the house. As she reached the exit to Snowbelle City. She looked at her house, saw her mum waving, smiling, she waved back and left. She got out onto Route 19: Grande Valée Way. There she waited for two minutes before getting on the bus. After the girl got on and took a look at all the stops in between Snowbelle City and Lumiose City, there were 17 stops in between each of them. After waiting for around 20 minutes she sent out Togepi who seemed a lot more energetic than usual.

"What's got you all riled up?" Nina asked the baby Pokemon. Togepi jumped up at the bus' window. Smiling, chirping, and bouncing around happily. Nina amused by her partner took a look outside the bus window and spotted an odd looking figure it looked like an old tree shimmering a blue colour.

"Is that?" She questioned, but suddenly the figure began to disappear.

"Wait!" Nina yelled, running across the bus trying to get a closer look.

"Watch it young lady!" A gentleman yelled at her.

"Ow you stepped on my foot!" An Ace trainer yelled.

"Sorry! I'm sorry please let me through!" Nina apologized to everyone. she reached the back of the bus but when she took a look out of the back but saw nothing, no blue shimmer and no odd figure. 

"Aw man! I totally missed it." Nina exclaimed disappointed. 

"Oi! Lassie! Sit down in your seat or I'll throw you off me bus!" the gruff-looking bus driver yelled.

"Sorry... yeti," Nina muttered to herself. She returned to her seat and sat down next to Togepi. 

"I'm sorry I ditched you before Togepi," Nina apologized. Togepi in response  just rubbed against Nina's leg. "You know, ever since Grandpa gave you to me. You've been the best friend I could ask for," she said, lightly hugging the little Pokémon, it chirped and hugged her back. She smiled and held it in her arms and the pair patiently waited to finish. After waiting for another 10 minutes she'd reached Lumiose City. After a short walk, Nina stood in front of Professor Sycamore's research lab. Nina took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped inside.

"Hi I'm here for my Pokemon," she said. Suddenly, a young man appeared on top of a bunch of stairs.

"Oh why, hello, you must be Nina, I'm Professor Sycamore," Professor Sycamore said, approaching her. Nina smiled,

"Yes I'm here for my Pokemon," Nina said. She stood at the foot of a very large staircase, and looked up at Professor Sycamore; he had ushered three small Pokemon from out behind him. They all hurried down the stairs to meet the new trainer. Nina recognised each one immediately, the three were the Pokemon a new trainer would pick at the start of their journey. Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie. Togepi jumped out of her arms to play with the other Pokémon Fennekin and Froakie were racing ahead and had reached the bottom of the stairs they were now playing wildly with Togepi. On the other hand, Chespin was still running down the stairs, but somehow it tripped over its own feet and fell down the stairs, landing on each step the whole way down.

"Oh my word! Are you okay?" Nina asked crouching down to the fainted Chespin, it quickly shook itself awake and reassured her with a wink. Professor Sycamore chuckled.

"That Chespin is quite the clumsy Pokemon," he said crouching down, and stroking Chespin's head, it just made a happy sound. Nina smiled and stood up. Then, Togepi began to rub against Chespin playing with it.

"Now Nina, you won't just be getting a Pokemon, but also these," Sycamore said, handing Nina  a Pokedex and six Pokeballs. Nina took the Pokeballs and put them in her pocket. Meanwhile, she gently took the Pokedex out of his hands and picked it up.

"Oh my goodness, a Pokedex! Thank you so much!" she said. Sycamore smiled at her.

"Now to the interesting part, one of these three Pokemon will become your first Pokemon partner, I'd advise you to choose wisely. Nina thought for a moment, then she knelt down in front of Chespin, she smiled sweetly. Chespin made a happy sound, ran to Nina and hugged her. She hugged it back and stood up.

"I think I've decided," she smiled, nuzzling Chespin's cheek. Sycamore smiled.

"Here's Chespin's Pokeball, and good luck on your journey" he said, handing a Pokeball to Nina. She returned Chespin to its Pokeball then took it and attached it to her belt.

"Do you happen to know if there are any gyms nearby?"

"Well as a matter of fact there's one right here in Lumiose City, your guidebook will guide you the rest of the way.

"Thanks Professor," Nina said before picking up Togepi she opened the door, waved goodbye to the Professor and left the building. Nina then approached a map of the city on the sidewalk and saw that the Lumiose Gym was in Prism Tower. She smiled and headed off.

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