13: To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!

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Nina POV:

Further along Route five, the five of us were walking along a road. Suddenly Ash spoke up.

"Wonder what that noise was?" he asked out loud.

"Huh, what noise?" Serena asked, while around us everything was very quiet.

"I didn't hear anything," Celmont said.

"I didn't hear anything either. Maybe you imagined it," I suggested.

"No, I definitely heard something," Ash said. Then suddenly Ash's stomach growled.

"Was that?" Clemont asked.

"Both of your tummies are rumbling," Bonnie said, referring to Ash and Pikachu, the two of them laughed about this. Suddenly, Serena must've heard something now.

"Wait a minute, I hear something now," Serena said. I listened and heard the same noise.

"Hey me, too," I said, then suddenly a man with his Diggersby in a jeep appeared and almost ran us over but we managed to dodge the vehicle as the driver kept going. I ran to the right side with Ash and Serena.

"That was close," Ash stated.

"What is that guy's problem?" Serena asked.

"I think he's crazy," I muttered.

"Out of the way!" a voice from behind us yelled. We then saw Officer Jenny and her Manectric in her motorcycle chasing after the man and his Diggersby.

"If Officer Jenny is after that guy," Serena began.

"Then that crazy driver could possibly be a wanted criminal," Clemont said.

"Possibly?" I questioned.

"There could be trouble!" Bonnie said.

"Let's go and check it out!" Ash said, raising his fist. We then began to run after the police chase with Ash, in front, Serena and myself, right behind him, Bonnie keeping up behind us, and Clemont straining to keep up. Trying to keep up with the drivers but further behind us Clemont stopped running, way too exhausted.

"I can't go on!" he whined.

"Clemont! Get a grip," Bonnie said, disappointed.

"Are you alright?" Serena asked.

"Maybe you should stick with inventions instead of running?" I joked.

"Uh Clemont, how you doing?" Ash asked. Clemont suddenly looked to his right. And the rest of us looked in the same direction. We then saw a purple cage.

"Something's crawling out of there," Clemont said as a small Scatterbug crawled out of the cage.

"Never seen that before," Ash said, taking out his Pokedex and analyzed Scatterbug.

"Scatterbug the Scatterdust Pokémon. When attacked by another Pokémon, Scatterbug scatters the black powder that cover its body and regulates its body temperature," the Pokedex said. Scatterbug then unleashed the black powder it was covered in.

"It looks like it's trying to scare us off," Clemont stated.

"You don't have to worry about us hurting you, Scatterbug, we're your friends," Ash said. Then Scatterbug became weak and fell over.

"Scatterbug!" I exclaimed, picking up the poor Pokemon.

"Scatterbug looks kind of weak," Clemont said.

"We better hurry and take it to the Pokemon Center," Bonnie said.

"I'll look it up. It's over this way. Come on!" Serena said, checking her Guidebook.

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