5: A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship!

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Nina POV:

Currently we were hiking out on a log stopping for a quick drink of water. As Bonnie wiped Pikachu's face clean. I made Togepi a small cup of water then helped it drink because it is still a baby Pokemon.

"There all done, you're nice and clean," she smiled, as Pikachu shook itself dry.

"That's awesome, thank you," Ash said.

"Aw you don't have to thank me, I love doing this kind of stuff, cause I love Pokemon," Bonnie said, stroking Pikachu, before stroking its tail which made Pikachu even more happy. She then picked up the Mouse Pokemon and walked up to the boy.

"Hey Ash, does Pikachu like having its tail petted like that?" she asked.

"Yeah, a whole lot," he said. Before Bonnie giggled bouncing in place with Pikachu in her arms.

"What a cutie pie, and that's just what I'm going to do," she said stroking the Mouse Pokemon's tail, making it even happier. Clemont then came over to the two.

"Looks like fun, let me try," he said, stroking Pikachu's tail. Which made it even more happy. Bonnie then came over to me.

"Hey Nina, could you let me take care of Togepi?" she asked.

"Of course," I said, setting down Togepi on the log. She gave a bit of a questioning look.

"Hey Togepi, do you mind if I clean your face?" She said Togepi looked slightly worried and tried hiding in her eggshell. I was worried this would end in one of two ways, either Togepi would erupt into tears and attack Bonnie with Thunder Wave or Draining Kiss. Or it'd just continue to hide away and refuse to come out. Togepi is a very shy Pokemon and is afraid of meeting new people and Pokemon. But hopefully, Bonnie feeding her earlier today made her trust the girl more.

"Hey don't worry I won't bite," Bonnie said calmly. Togepi then slowly came out of the shell and very gently Bonnie cleaned the spikes on Togepi's head. It happily chirped and fully came out of the shell letting Bonnie take care of it.

"Hey you're really good at that, it took my mum years to earn Togepi's trust, Bonnie you're a natural," I smiled digging through my backpack searching for a small container of Pokemon food. She giggled and then kicked her legs up and down in the air.

"Taking care of Pokemon makes you really happy doesn't it?" Clemont asked.

"Yup," she said, after I found the container, giving it to Bonnie. Who handed out small pieces of the Pokemon food to the Pokemon. "Well is that yummy Pokemon food?" she asked Pikachu. Then suddenly as she was going to give more food to the yellow Pokemon. Another small rodent-like Pokemon ran up and stole the small piece. It ran away and stood on top of a small branch at the far end of the branch. Togepi, who was startled at this, ran up to me and hid behind my legs. I looked at the Pokemon and immediately recognized it as the same Dedenne from earlier,

"Could that be the same Dedenne?" Clemont questioned, fixing his glasses.

"Yeah, the one who ran away," Bonnie confirmed.

"It must've been following us this whole time," Ash analyzed.

"Come on, catch it Clemont. Catch it Please!" she said.

"Alright," Clemont said, reaching for a Pokeball. But before he could do anything the Dedenne ran away.

"Come back!" Bonnie said, running after it. Dednne only continued running away as the rest of us followed.

"Fletchling follow it!" Ash said, sending out his Pokemon which followed after Dedenne. The rest of us grabbed our bags as I picked up Togepi.

"Dedenne wait!" Bonnie called after it. Fletchling perched on a tree branch looking a little lost.

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