14: A Rival's Return!

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Nina POV:

On our way to Cyllage City for mine and Ash's next gym battle we'd stopped for a short water break on a fallen tree. As I poured water from my bottle into the cap, I handed it to Togepi.

"Here you go, drink up," I smiled as she drank it quickly. Then I felt someone tap my shoulder, tuning around. I saw it was Bonnie.

"Hey Nina? Could I please brush Togepi?" Bonnie asked, holding a brush.

"Of course you can," I said, sitting down on the tree to the right of Togepi, while Bonnie sat down on the left, and began to brush Togepi, who smiled slightly.

"So, I see Togepi's doing much better with other people now?" An all too familiar voice came from further away. A boy came out from behind a nearby tree.

"Oh no," I thought to myself.

"Who're you?" Serena asked.

"I'm..." he began.

"Calem," I decided to finish his sentence for him.

"Who?" everyone else asked. After a couple minutes, my new friends had more or less caught up with who Calem was.

"It's very nice to meet you Calem, my name's Ash and this is my partner Pikachu," Ash greeted.

"My name's Bonnie, this is Dedenne, and this is my big brother Clemont," Bonnie smiled.

"Hi there, I'm Serena," Serena said.

"So you two have known each other since you were kids?" Clemont asked.

"Well, pretty much. We also went to Pokemon school together, and well yeah," I said, not willing to tell the full story yet, as Calem diverted his eyes from mine. Obviously, he still felt guilty about it.

"So Calem, what are you pursuing?" Serena asked.

"I'm collecting gym badges to become Pokemon champion and win the Kalos League!" Calem said.

"So how many have you got at the moment?" I asked.

"Well, so far I collected a gym badge from Cyllage City, and I was on my way to challenge both the Lumiose and Santalune City gyms. And eventually, I'll get to Snowbelle City," Calem smirked, while I glanced away.

"Um, is something wrong?" Ash asked.

"Nah, don't worry about it," I smiled, trying to get the focus off myself.

"Nina, how about you and I have a battle? Ya know, for old time's sake," Calem suggested trying to break the tension. I thought to myself, it had been a while since my last official battle, and I would be interested to know what new Pokemon Calem had caught.

"Sure, why not?" I smiled getting up. Calem and I then walked a couple paces apart from each other, so we'd have a good enough battlefield.

"How does a two-on-two Pokemon battle sound to you?" Calem asked me.

"Sure, that works," I said.

"I'll referee for you two, if you don't mind," Clemont smiled.

"Great, thanks Clemont," I thanked.

"Alright let's get this started! Prinplup Get Ready to Rumble!" Calem called throwing out a Pokeball.

"I see your Piplup evolved," I noted.

"Who's that Pokemon?" Serena asked, before she took out her Pokedex.

"Prinplup, the Penguin Pokemon, and the evolved form of Piplup. It lives a solitary life. Its wings deliver wicked blows that can snap even the thickest of trees," her Pokedex said.

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