10: Clemont's Got A Secret!

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All five of the protagonists had finally made it to Lumiose City.

"Woo-hoo! Finally!" Nina cheered running into the city.

"We made it to Lumiose City!" Ash smiled.

"The last time I was here, I didn't have much time to look around. But this city must be the center of the fashion universe, all the people are so well-dressed. And Prism Tower is just incredible," Serena said.

"Yeah, sure is," Clemont said.

"I guess it's okay," Bonnie added.

"The Lumiose Gym is inside that tower," Ash said.

"Yeah," Nina added.

"Oh, so you've both already challenged that gym?" Serena asked Ash and Nina.

"Well, we showed up there and tried too," Ash said as he and Nina nervously smiled at each other, remembering when they were at the top of the tower wanting to challenge the gym.

"I really want to have a gym battle please," he said.

"I've come for a gym battle as well," she said.

"In order to challenge the Lumiose gym, you both must have accumulated at least four gym badges," the screen said, suddenly two metal poles came from the ceiling, with static electricity surrounding them.

"Hey, give us a break!" Ash said.

"What's going on?" Nina asked, worried.

"Wait a minute!" Ash said, before suddenly the two of them were electrocuted.

"That's what happened. We didn't have four badges, so we couldn't get in," Ash explained.

"That's exactly what happened," Nina added.

"I had no idea there were gyms where you need four badges just to be able to challenge them," Serena said.

"Well, since that's the way it is here. Why don't we get out of Lumiose City?" Clemont suggested

"Let's go," Bonnie added.

"But I've been looking forward to exploring Lumiose City," Serena whined.

"Come on, guys. Let us look around Lumiose City, then we can continue our journey," Nina suggested.

"We can do that stuff next time. 'Kay, let's go," Bonnie said, pushing Ash. As her brother began pushing Nina and Serena.

"Uh, why are you pushing?!" Nina questioned, a little angry.

"Hey, wait!" Serena yelled.

"What are we in such a rush for?" Ash asked.

"Well, if it isn't my Clemont and Bonnie!" a voice said from behind them. Turning around they saw a man and his Ampharos on a motorcycle.

"Dad!" Clemont exclaimed.

"Ampharos!" Bonnie said.

"Huh, Dad?" Ash, Nina, and Serena questioned.

"Hey!" he greeted them all.

"Uh, let me introduce you," Clemont said.

"I want you to meet our daddy!" Bonnie remarked, referring to the man with Ampharos.

"I'm Meyer, I run an electronics shop in the city, along with Ampharos here," Meyer introduced himself.

"You and Ampharos, cool!" Ash remarked.

"And these guys here, they're our brand-new super-nice good friends!" Bonnie smiled. But Meyer only seemed shocked at hearing this.

"Your friends?!" he questioned. "I'm so... I'm so overcome with happiness I can't tell you! Thank you so much!" he said, crying and gripping his kids into a very tight hug.

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