18: A Jolting Switcheroo!

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Nina POV:

On our way to Cyllage City, sight of mine and Ash's next gym battle we were crossing through a new Route. Serena and Ash were bonding while she was holding onto Fennekin. Pikachu was perched on Ash's shoulder. Clemont was just behind them with me walking next to him holding Espurr. She looked slightly annoyed with me carrying her, but I knew she actually loved it cause I could feel her purring. Bonnie was just behind us patting Dedenne on the head and feeding it Pokemon food.

"Want some more Dedenne?" she asked as the little Pokemon held out its small arms to receive more snacks. Which of course Bonnie gave it.

"Bonnie... it isn't a good idea to give Dedenne so many snacks at once," Clemont lectured.

"Why isn't it?" The little girl asked.

"Because when mealtime rolls around, it won't be hungry," he explained. "Pokemon food is specially formulated to give Pokemon a healthy, well-balanced diet. So it's better to eat at a specific time on a regular basis," Clemont finished.

"So I guess it's better not to give Dedenne any snacks at all," Bonnie said.

"Huh? At all?" Serena questioned giving Fennekin a stick which it promptly started chewing.

"Don't worry about it too much, a little bit is still okay," I said, giving Espurr (who was now awake) a berry.

"She's right, I give Pikachu snacks, but when it's time to eat a meal both of us are always hungry!" Ash explained.

"Well that's because the two of you like to eat a ton of food," Serena said, while Ash and Pikachu munched on an apple.

"You sure know a lot about Pokemon, don't you Clemont?" Ash asked, his mouth filled with bits of apple.

"Sure he does. Remember he's the Lumiose City gym leader, although he doesn't look like it," Bonnie said.

"Doesn't look like it?" Clemont questioned thinking she was joking. We continued on our path as Serena started talking:

"There's a lot more I need to learn about being a trainer: for Fennekin and me!" Serena said.

"Yeah and so do the rest of us too," I smiled looking at Espurr, who purred in my arms still eating her berry.

"Right! Part of being a good trainer is managing your Pokemon's health," Clemont said.

"You feel healthy, right buddy?" Ash asked Pikachu who happily smiled in response.

"I have an idea, let's take a break! The next town shouldn't be far away," Serena suggested.

"Sure! Once we get there, you wanna stop at the Pokemon Center?" Ash asked.

"Yay! Hear that, Dedenne?" Bonnie asked, getting no response. She took a look in her bag seeing it was empty. "Dedenne disappeared!" she cried.

"Wah!" Clemont cried.

"No way!" Ash said. We started looking around searching for Dedenne so we spread out around the woods to search for the small Pokemon.

"Dedenne?" Bonnie called.

"Hey! Dedenne where did you go?" Ash asked.

"Dedenne!" Clemont called.

"Dedenne!" I called.

"Where are you Dedenne?" Clemont yelled, questioning.

"Dedenne!" Bonnie cried. Suddenly from a bit further away we heard Serena gasp. The four of us ran over to her.

"What's wrong Serena?" Ash asked.

"Over there," she pointed at Dedenne who was looking up a tree at some berries.

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