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The next morning, I had to pull myself out of bed. I was dreading the day ahead of me. It's not that I wasn't happy about my first day at S.H.I.E.L.D., but I wasn't looking forwards to seeing Steve.

Part of me was. Part of me yearned to see him. So maybe it wasn't seeing him that I wasn't looking forward to but talking to him about the kiss was.

I tugged on a pair of dress pants, knowing that S.H.I.E.L.D. is a classy place. Then I find a simple white blouse and put that on, along with some earrings and bracelet. Next I do my makeup, putting on some sparkly silver eye shadow and a darker shade of red lipstick. S.H.I.E.L.D. was also a flashy place with it's modern technology and all.

Then I straighten my hair, causing the white-blonde locks to come down right above my butt. I wasn't a stereotypical blonde, if that's what you're thinking. I care too much about my professional image, and plus, my hair was naturally that color.

I make some coffee, pulling on a pair of black heeled boots, also known as my work boots.

Once the coffee is done, I pour it into a to-go thermos, grabbing my purse and heading out the door. It was only around seven, so Steve wasn't outside yet. I sigh in relief and head out, hailing a cab to go to Microsoft.

When I get there, I am directed to my boss' office. I tell her that a new position somewhere else opened up and I had to leave.

She was upset about it, but she appreciated me doing it in person. So after that conversation, I went to S.H.I.E.L.D.

When I got there, a receptionist told me where to go. I walked down the hall towards the elevator, sipping on my coffee as I went.

I press the elevator button, nearly jumping out of my skin when the doors opened to reveal Steve inside, along with a few other people. But the other people unfortunately got out on that floor, so when I entered, it was only us.

"Good morning, Steve," I say after sucking in a breath of air. The elevator doors close as I speak.

"Good morning," Steve replies, then turning to me, "Avalie, I owe you an apology."

I can't help but turn to face him, confused. "No, I owe you an apology."

Steve shakes his head. "I shouldn't of leaned in. I didn't know you were...spoken for."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What?"

"The man in your apartment yesterday," Steve exclaims, a small blush on his cheeks. "I'm sorry."

"No," I shake my head with a smile. "That man was the repair man coming to fix my window and door."

"Oh," Steve says, the ashamed look on his face fading.

"And I'm the one who leaned in," I tell him, the embarrassed blush on my face now. "I shouldn't of done that. I just met you and now we are co-workers. I don't want that to change our professional image of each other."

An indescribable look passes over Steve's face for a moment, but then he quickly recovers. "Of course not," he says.

Then the elevator door opens, Steve moving to get out. "Good day, ma'am."

"Good day, sir," I reply, internally cursing myself. Sir? What are you, a twelve year old teacher's pet?

But then I realize that he called me ma'am, not Avalie. I know he was just trying to keep the professional image, like I had said.

But somewhere inside I was hoping he would say that he doesn't want to have a professional relationship. but of course he would, he's Captain America. And plus, he might still be in love with a girl from the 40's.

Old Soul (Captain America/Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now