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<Narrator's Pov>

Steve sat outside of the lab, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. The paramedics were inside, along with a doctor. Avalie was loosing too much blood too quickly. They wouldn't have the time to transport her to a hospital so they dug out the bullet inside of Dr. Banner's lab.

While Steve waited for them to finish the surgery, he thought through the events that happened while they were in the future, thinking through their movements to see what lead up to the gun fire.

His eyes snapped shut as the memory played vividly in his mind. He saw her small hand reaching for his, the scared look in her wide eyes, and her jaw hanging slightly open in concentration. Then he saw a whirl of blonde hair as her head whips around, just as the door opens.

Over and over, it played in his head. And with each time, Steve felt more guilty, more angry, and more forlorn.

"Steve," a voice says, making his head snap up. "She'll be okay," Natasha says, sitting down next to him.

Steve shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. "It's all my fault."

"Don't say that," Natasha says, laying a comforting hand on Steve's arm. "From what I saw on the screens, there was nothing you could do."

"Maybe there was," Steve says, depression in his words. "But we could've left earlier. If I had just listened..." Steve breaks off, his voice cracking. He wipes at his eyes.

"Steve, stop," Natasha says. "Don't do this to yourself. You were just trying to complete the mission."

Steve doesn't answer, leaning back in his chair. He folds his arms, bowing his head in disappointment in himself.

"Hey," Natasha says, trying to snap him out of his gloom. "She'll be alright."

Natasha suddenly looks away as she picks up a voice in her ear piece. She listens to what Clint says on the other side, nodding her head. "On my way," she replies to him.

She turns to Steve, biting her lip. "Fury is here. He'll want to speak to you," she says, knowing what his answer will be.

Steve shrugs. "I don't care," he replies.

Natasha sighs, giving up. "Fine," she says, turning on her heel. Once she makes sure she's out of earshot of Steve, Natasha clicks on her ear piece.

"Bruce," she says. "Do you know how she's doing?"

Banner still had his tablet connected to Avalie's stats, Natasha knew. She needed him to check them to see if Avalie had any chance at survival.

"Erm..." Bruce says in her ear as she walks down the hallways. "Do you want the good news or bad news?"

"Uh oh," Natasha grumbles. "How bad is it?"

"Not too bad," Banner says. "But then again, I have the opinion of a indestructible green rage monster," he jokes lightly.

Natasha sighs impatiently. "Will she live?"

"Expectantly," Bruce confirms. "That was the good news."

Natasha sighs again, only this time in relief. "Next time," she says. "Tell me the good news first."


"They saw them?" Fury questions, looking at the Avengers around the conference table.

"Yes, sir," Banner says. "Right before they left."

"So now Agent Daniels is injured?" Fury asks, trying to get his facts straight.

"Yes," Natasha says. "Shot wound to the abdomen."

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