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<Avalie's Pov>

When I open my eyes, I am on the roof of the parking garage, standing right in the middle of the attackers' formation as they closed in on where Steve and I sat.

I made sure that I appeared transparent so that I wouldn't get shot. But if I did what I planned to do, I would need to learn how to change my solid appearances quicker.

Taking a deep breath, I push through the Hydra soldiers clad in black, figure that if I started from the back, then I could make my way up without being noticed. So, crossing my fingers for luck as I found the soldier in the back, I changed to solid.

As I materialized in the future behind the soldier, I reached around him to use his body as a human shield, wrapping my arms around his torso to use his gun.

The man, once he realized I was around him, tried too fight me off, but then I peered over his shoulder to aim for the nearest guy. Shooting him in the back, I aim towards for of the soldiers, getting their attention.

Seeing the bullets coming from behind, they spun around and shot, the gunfire imbedding themselves in my shield's body. I had to clench my eyes shut as they shot him, feeling the stranger die against my chest.

Once the clip on his gun was out and I had shot down enough men, I materialized back into my transparent state, the man I was holding falling to the ground. I watched the Hydra soldiers look around, lost.

Sweeping behind another man towards the back, I quickly change back into my solid form, reaching out to swipe the clip out of his gun then changing back to a transparent state before he could register what was happening. I quickly toss it as far as I can, watching it go over the edge of the roof.

I went around the other men, snagging their clips and throwing them before changing back into nothingness. I took all of them except one, running behind a guy and taking his knife to stab him in the back with it before stealing his gun.

I bite my lip as the blade sunk into his flesh, gagging when he started to bleed. Shaking my head to try and rid the image, I took his gun, running through the now-defenseless Hydra soldiers without even having to change out of my solid state. Some tried to shoot, cursing when they realized that I stole their clips. They reached for me as I ran, but I sprinted around them.

Some were faster than others, and one even seized my left arm, the gun in my right one. So making a quick move, I slide the gun across the ground to land behind the hellicarrier, figuring Steve and I could use more ammo to take out these attackers.

Watching the gun land with a satisfying thud, I send a smirk to the man who held my arm violently, slowly waking up as his face faded from my dark-edged vision.


When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is Steve's worried expression, his face so close to mine that his eyes were the only thing I could see.  I felt his hands on my shoulders, trying to shake me awake.

"Avalie," he started to say, but I pushed him away and stood abruptly.

"No time for that," I say, walking over to the edge of the hellicarrier. Waiting for the mental timer in my head, I wait for the gun to slide over to us.

With a cute ding sounding inside of my head, the assault rifle skidded across the ground, landing right where I expected it to. I reach out for it, Steve coming over to me confusedly.

"What? How?" he says, gesturing to the gun.

I just point around the edge of the air craft, both of us peering just in time to see 'future me' dissolve out of that guy's hand.

"Now," I mutter, aiming and firing. I shoot at all of them, grimacing as I see their scared faces, you know, the ones that say 'I'm screwed'.

Shooting down all of them, I curse when I see one attacker start to shoot back, groaning as I realized that I forgot to take his clip.

"Forgot one," I mumble to Steve, focusing my target before firing again.

I get two more shots, both of them missing my target, before the trigger clicks. I have ran out of bullets. I turn to Steve urgently for a gun, but he didn't have one. I bite my lip, 'I'm screwed'.

Steve kicks up his shield, ready to run after the guy. But right as he turned to take off after him, a laser beam-looking thing shot out of the sky, the man falling to the ground, dead.

Shocked, Steve and I wildly look up in the direction the laser came from. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, looking over at Steve. But he had a smile on his face, welcoming what stood in the sky.

A man flew above us, or what I thought was a man. If he was, he definitely wasn't human, with red skin and lasers shooting out from his forehead-where a single red stone lied. Around him floated a gold and red cape, connecting at the shoulders to his black uniform that highlighted every muscle of his body. His expression was peaceful, his red gloved hands resting flatly against his sides.

"Who is that?" I ask Steve, not knowing whether I should consider him an enemy or not. Because, he obviously had a lot of power. He gave of an aurora of omnipotence.

"That," says Steve with a relieved smile. "Is our plan C."


"The real treat is on the streets," I tell Vision as we sit inside of the hellicarrier to discuss the battle, as well as fill him in on everything he needed to be informed of. "Is wild down there, especially since reinforcements have arrived."

Vision stands, having been crouched next to Natasha, trying to heal her. "Then we should head there. Natasha should be fine. She'll be awake soon."

"Thank you," Steve replies, then turns to me. "Do you want to stay here for when she wakes up?"

I appreciate how he asked it as a question, like it was my decision. But really, I was the least experienced fighter here. It would make more sense if I stayed. So, despite the adrenaline that was rushing inside me upon my first kill that begged for more, I nodded.

"Great," Vision replies, walking towards the entrance. "And Miss Daniels, don't travel anymore. You look exhausted."

I take his advice into consideration, realizing how tired I was now that the adrenaline was wearing off. I walk the men to the entrance, Vision walking out first.

Steve turns back to me, a reassuring smile on his face as he grabs my hand. "I'll see you soon."

Not knowing how to respond, I simply bob my head, a small smile spreading on my face as he gently pecks my cheek. The he turns around and leaves, his hand slipping from my grasp.

And I couldn't help but think that's how it's going to be: Steve, slipping away from me and out of reach.

Or maybe I was the one slipping away from him.


I feel like it has been forever since I last updated, but it has only been two days.

I don't know about this chapter... I added in the Vision!

Ugh. I just feel so ugh right now, ya know?



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