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<Avalie's Pov>
"I need to speak with Director Fury," I say to Banner. I freaked out after Andrew-if that's even his real name-left and started pounding the call button repeatedly.

"Calm down," Banner says, gently pushing me back down onto the bed. "You're on a lot of medication right now and-"

"No!" I shout, fighting him. "I know what I saw!"

"What you saw is a side affect of morphine," Banner replies. "Just let me-"

"Then answer this question for me," I tell him. "Does Nicholas Fury have a son?"

Not seconds later, Bruce had a phone in his hand, dialing Fury's number. When he didn't answer, he tried his earpiece, then his buzzer, then his assistant. About two minutes later, Fury charged through my bedroom door, looking, well, furious.

"What in hell is the problem here?!" Fury shouts, barging in. "What is so important that you had to interrupt my meeting?"

"They were here," Bruce said. "Hydra. They were inside our headquarters."

"What are you talking about?" Fury asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"One of them disguised himself and pretended to be my handy man," I explained. "He then claimed himself to be your son. He's trying to get me to just leave with him since he thinks that I think we're friends.

"He was just here," I said. "Literally ten minutes ago. Check the security footage."

"How do you know he's Hydra?" Fury asked.

"Because he vanished," I answered. "He was leaving my room and he vanished so no one would see him in the halls. He has to be one of those weird hybrid things like Daphne."

"Hybrid?" Banner questioned. "Of what?"

I shook my head, furrowing my eyebrows. "I'm not sure. I just feel...like I know something. Something that would answer everything. It would make sense to just travel back in time and find out what it is, but I can't anymore."

Fury had his arms crossed, his face contorted in thought. "Huh," he said finally, then reached for his phone. "Feldman, I need you to pull up the security footage of hospital room 162, about an hour back, thank you," he said into the phone before hanging up. He looked back over at me. "Daniels, call Rogers."

"On it," I said, reaching for my phone that I usually kept on the bedside table. Except, it wasn't there. I completely forgot that Steve had my phone, for he grabbed it for me in the rush to get to the hospital a few days ago. It's been the least of my worries. "Stev-uh, Rogers has my phone."

"Banner," Fury said. "Will you?"

"On it, sir," Banner replied. "Should I call Romanoff as well? If Hydra was here, they trespassed. We need to launch an attack."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Banner," Fury replied. "The last time we attacked, it didn't end well."

"But now we know what we're up against," I said, sitting up. "I agree with Banner. We need to do something."

"And we will!" Fury said, his voice rising in authority. "But don't forget that I am the man in charge, and as the man in charge, I will decide what we do!"

In a whirl of a black cape, Fury left, slamming the door shut behind him. I sighed, leaning back against the bed. Banner looked after him for a minute before calling Natasha. I tuned out their conversation, my head starting to ache again.

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