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<Narrator's Pov>

As soon as the shape shifter was out of the sigh of Steve, she changed back to her original form, shedding Steve's appearance to reveal her own.

She didn't intend to go after Barnes. Pretending so would only cause Steve to tense in worry, making him loose blood faster. She knew that it would kill him if she acted like she was after Bucky, literally.

Instead, she looked for the stealth one, the one that was killing all of her backup. Taking a detour, she passed the control room, which still held Hydra agents. She walked over to the security camera monitors, her eyes finding the redhead she was looking for on the twelfth floor.

A smug smile crossed her face as she turned to go after her. But before her attention was completely torn from the monitors, her gaze happened to land on the hall Avalie was staying in.

"Howard," she says, talking to the man in charge of watching the monitors. "What happened here?"

Howard looks over at the screen she was pointing to, his eyebrows furrowing. "I'm not sure. Those cameras must've just shut down."

The shape shifter snarls, slamming her fist against the table in frustration. "She has escaped. Daniels has escaped!"

Howard opened his mouth to tell her that he could check, but before he could say anything, she stormed out of the room, shoving a fresh clip into her handgun.

"That little twerp, thinking she could sneak out on me!" she growls in anger, stomping down the halls. "She's going to regret she ever attempted to escape!"


<Avalie's Pov>

I kneel down next to Steve, his blood pooling around him. The sight made me sick to my stomach, tears forming in my eyes.

"Steve," I sob, my voice cracking. "Steve?"

He doesn't respond so I lean over to take his pulse, sighing in relief when I hear his heart. It was very faint, but it was still there. I sniffle and wipe the tears off of my face, taking Steve's ear piece to call for help.

"Come in. Come in. This is Agent Daniels, does any one copy?" I ask, my voice shaking. As I speak I wrap my hand around Steve's arm for comfort. And perhaps I was comforting myself more than I was him, just a reassurance that he was still alive.

"I copy," I hear Clint reply. "Avalie?"

"Yes, it's me. Look, there is no time for questions. Steve is injured badly and loosing blood quickly," I say, sniffling more as I brush his hair back from his sweaty forehead.

"What floor are you on?" Clint asks.

"Eleven," I answer. "Does anybody else copy?"

"I copy," I hear Natasha's voice. "A little occupied at the moment, be there as quick as I can."

"He's loosing blood, and fast," I say urgently. "I need to get him out of here and now!"

"North or south side of the floor," I hear a new voice, Tony's voice, ask.

"South," I reply, stroking Steve's cheek as I start to loose hope.

"Be there soon. Barton, I'll need coverage," Tony says, making me gain a new respect for him.

"I have your back," Clint assured him.

I sighed, a sad smile coming on my face and more tears starting to fall as I look at Steve's blank expression. His face was completely still, his lips slightly parted.

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