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<Avalie's Pov>

As soon as our faces appeared from outside of the hellicarrier, the gunfire became more aggressive, now pointing in our direction. Steve immediately grabbed my waist, pulling me behind him as he covered us with his shield.

I peered out from around his shield and fired back, and from my quick glance, I counted about fifteen attackers.

"About a dozen," I shout to Steve as I lean over to shoot my gun. And if I was being completely honest with myself, I wasn't aiming for anyone. I didn't know what I was doing. Maybe I was just shooting back to scare them off, but I knew what I wasn't doing. I wasn't killing anybody.

"Take cover behind the hellicarrier!" Steve yells back. "Cover me!"

I bite my lip, exhaling nervously. Now I really had to try. "On it," I reply to Steve, turning on my heel to sprint behind the hellicarrier. I slam my back against it, a little harder than I intended to, and angled my body to fire at them.

Steve already ran forward, moving so quick my eyes could barely keep up with him. I tried to cover him the best I could, but he didn't really need it. In the time I shot four bullets, he had taken out five men.

I continued to aimlessly shoot. I planned on going for a target, but I had a sick, nauseous feeling in my stomach. I didn't know if I could kill a man.

I watched Steve fight, kicking and punching his way through Hydra. I can't help but grin. I knew he was good, and I've seen a sample of his abilities when he was training me, but I've never actually seen him in an actual battle. It took my breath away in awe.

Glancing away from him as I pull the trigger again, a gasp escapes my mouth as I see the bullet actually hit someone. My finger hesitates over the trigger as I watch the man fall, blood pooling around him.

That man could've had a wife. That man could've had a family to support with this job. But know he didn't, and it was all my fault.

I shake my head, having to rid the vision of him falling, which started to play perpetually. I sniff away my tears, wiping furiously at my face as I continue to fire, but this time, I focused on where the bullet went.

I would've had to kill somebody eventually, I'm apart of S.H.I.E.L.D. now. And everyone has killed someone before, some kill people everyday, and they still sleep at night. I was going to have to learn to do the same.

Pulling the trigger again, I take down three more guys, Steve handling the others. I turn my attention to help him, when all of the sudden, a wave of soldiers burst onto the roof.

Steve turns around to send me a worried look, about thirty attackers surging behind him. They start to fire and Steve ducks around his shield, my finger cramping as I fire repeatedly at them. I hit a few, but I barley made a dent. Steve did the best he could to take out the ones that were close to him, but there were too many.

"Help," I say into my ear piece. "There's trouble on the roof. Does anybody copy?"

"I copy," replied Tony. "A little busy here."

I sigh in frustration, having emptied my clip. Popping in a new one, I continue my cry for help. "Anyone else?"

"It's busy down here in the streets," Wanda's Russian accent says. "The reinforcements have came."

I look over at the roof of the building, across from the parking garage we were on top of. There was a large hellicarrier sitting atop it, soldier pouring out like a pitcher of water. The reinforcements were here.

I glance over at Steve, who gazed at the enemy's hellicarrier from behind his shield. The thirty attackers decided to split up, half going for Steve and half coming at me.

I gulp, biting my lip nervously. I knew I had to take them out now, because of not, they could get inside of our aircraft and possibly kill Natasha.

Pointing my gun, I narrow my eyes at the approachers, shooting at them. With three bullets, I only managed to take down one guy. I made a mental note to practice more if I made it out of here alive.

Steve seemed occupied, with fifteen guys tackling him. He kept looking over his shoulder at me to check if I was okay, but I tried handling my opponents on my own, wanting to prove to Steve that I could protect myself.

I took down eight more guys as they came forward, aiming for the last six. Steve had pretty much finished off his group, and I had a feeling of hope swim through me.

But it soon drowned, for right as I shot the last guy, at least forty more burst into the roof. I sighed in defeat, feeling utterly exhausted. Steve looked tired too, and he was walking in a way that told me his back was sore.

Before the newcomers could fire, Steve turned and sprinted towards me, taking cover next to me as they started up their guns. He was breathing heavy, his face covered in blood and grime.

"There's too many," he says. "We need help."

"I already called," I tell him. "They're swamped down on the main street. The reinforcements have come."

"I saw," Steve says as we both look over at the roof. Then, Steve peers around the edge of the hellicarrier, seeing the forty soldiers slowly close in on us.

"How close are they?" I ask, quivering hands loading my gun.

"Too close," he says before turning to me with defeat in his eyes. "Either they take us as prisoners of war, or..."

"They kill us," I say, looking down at my gun as I finish the sentence he couldn't.

"Hey, don't say that," Steve says softly, gunfire raging around us. He slips his finger under my chin, lifting my face to look at him. "I promised you that I wouldn't let anything happen to you, and that's one that I'll keep."

A smile came onto my face to let him know I appreciated it, but it was only a small grin because I couldn't pull off a big one with how scared I was. And it wasn't strong enough to stay, so it slowly faded, my face falling in fear.

Steve had the same expression on his face, but it wasn't fear. It looked more like disappointment in himself. The way he was looking at me, like it was his fault that we were in this situation, nearly broke my heart.

If anything, this was all my fault. I started to get a better grasp on my powers, why couldn't I have just teleported myself out of getting captured before this had to happen?

Suddenly, it's like a lightbulb that was assumed broken lights up in my head, making my face lift up to Steve's with a new spark in my eyes.

He furrows his eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

"I have an idea," I say, a sly grin coming onto my face. "It's a little risky, but it will definitely work."

"I'm open for anything," Steve says, uselessly peering around the edge to fire back at the attackers.

"Okay," I reply. "But I don't think you're going to like it."

Steve looks back at me, hopelessness in his expression. "I'll like anything at this point."

"Great!" I say, also taking a glance at the attackers to get a rough average of how many there were. "I'm going out there."

That caught his attention. "What?" he asks, turning around towards me rather than the shooters. "Are you crazy?"

I shrug. "I prefer the term 'out-of-the-box thinker'. I'm not going to just walk out there."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Sitting down on the ground and resting my back up against the hellicarrier, I close my eyes lightly. "I'm going to teleport."

Before Steve could get the chance to speak his opinion about my reckless plan, which was probably a suicide mission, I blacked-out, not realizing how tired I really was.


Ugh, I know this is a crappy chapter. I apologize. It will get better once they get out of the trap they are in. If they get out.


Thanks for reading my lovelies,


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